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"Remember this important thing, we are difficult to love"

Sometimes, maybe we take the risk in terms of love. We keep saying that someday everything will be alright. I don't know if I am the only one who can feel that I love someone I can't have. I fall for someone that I can't have. We are in a different world. I know each of us can do things just to prove that we love them even if they will hurt us. I'm scared that someday something bad will happen. I'm sacred if someday when I can't control myself of loving him. And he will be gone, he will leave me without any words. I love him but only I know. I love him but I know we can't be. I love him even though I am the only one who felt happy. I love him, even if he doesn't.

And if you're not alone


        SHE's sitting on the couch alone with a mind clouded by thousands of questions. She keeps staring at nowhere with a blank emotion on her face. Mr. Old man walk in front of her and noticed her condition.

" Zhyke, is there something bothering you?", he asked tilting his head.

" Mr. Old man, I...I...wa... was just wondering. Does...does loving hurt? Is it true that loving someone is a waste of time?" She asked and a warm liquid crawled on her face.

Mr. Old man never says any words. He just did give her a sad smile and sat beside her.

" I know you've been a lot. Tell me, what's wrong?"

She shook her head, avoiding his eyes while blinking the incoming tears. The feeling that you tried your best not to show your tears but deep inside your heart is breaking. That's it, that is what she feels right now. She wanted someone, a shoulder she want to cry on. Then here it is, Mr. Old man. The man who thought her how to be strong, the man who was always there for her when everyone left. He is a father and a friend. He is more than she can describe with.

Sometimes when we are shattered into pieces, we need someone. Even though we already have friends who comfort us. Our hearts will seek someone who we long for so much. And that is our mother. Our mother might not be perfect but honestly even we will deny it, we need her. We need her love. And so she is, since her birth she never saw her mother...even her soul.

She can't take it anymore and she gently wrapped her arms around the old man's neck and let herself cry.

" It's okay, everything is fine Zhyke. You will be fine." He said and gently tap her head. She broke her hug and look at him directly.

" I... I can't understand myself anymore. I want him to stay at my side, to tell him I love him but..." She burst out crying.

"I can't" she whispers.

"Is it the Grim Reaper?". She nodded. Mr. old man sighs and continues. " I wasn't expecting this to happen but-"

" Even me" she interrupted and look at him.

" Listen Zhyke, I know you already felt special to him. But dear, do you know who he is?". he said smiling sweetly.

She looked at him confused.

" What do you mean, Mr. Old man?" she asked in a low voice.

" You both like the horizon looks like together but never meant to each other. Let's say, he is just a fictional character you admired the most. He isn't real, he is just your imagination", he said smiling sadly.

" I know, but I can still feel good inside him even though the universe judges him as bad. " She gently protested.

Mr. Old man laughs a little and brushes her hair softly like his own child.

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