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      fall in love with you


              The moment we want to surrender, God will send us a reason to continue. I wasn't expecting this to happen because I know from the very beginning that he has a cold heart. Even though he is showing that rude attitude, I still can feel the goodness inside him. Every man who appeared to be rude is a man who has a big hidden kindness. If before I never believed in love, then now, I did. I admit that I start to fall in love with him without even a reason.

Because that is what love truly is, love has no definition.

Love is undefined and infinite sparks inside us.

We fall into a quiet dance as we keep staring into each other's eyes. I tried to shift my eyes but I can still feel his state like digging into my soul.  It was like an arrow aiming at me.

I look at him and I admit that I feel embarrassed and I can't look at him for too long. I can't explain what exactly I feel but it seems like I always wanted to smile and there were so many butterflies plating around my belly.

" I...I always see you as different from them. And I can't fight myself to..."

fall in love with you

" To look at you like that" I continued.
In the back of my mind, a globe of fire sips me to death and it's very hard to describe. The strange feeling slowly and strongly builds in my chest.

As long as the music stops he brought me into the dark part where trees decline the moonlight.

The moment he stopped under the tree I  admit that my heart started racing and a different illusion formed inside my head.

"Mr. Hoody, what are you trying to do?"

" Remember, I can hear and read your thoughts. So behave and obey me".

He pushed me and my back bumped into the tree and I winced. He held both of my hands and pinned them above my head.

" Don't move" he said, whispering in my ear and tucking my hair behind.

" The mark that Amarzoe left made me sick"

I keep on staring at him even though I can't see his face. I can smell his breath and feel the warmth of his air.

" What do you mean?"

He shakes his head at the crook of my neck and licked the bitten part. I feel tickled yet unexplainable feeling the moment his tongue touches my skin. I tried to move but he held my hand tightly and press his body on mine.

" Be ready"

I can feel a warm liquid sip through my skin after his fang dig in. I can feel his excitement while staying and sipping all my blood and his hold grow tight.

His chest is moving upward and keeping pressing one. Then I feel younger that licked the crook of my neck.

I hear h saying something but I can't hold my body any longer and unconsciousness embraced me.


         SHE open her eyes and saw the moonlight above. Slowly and surely she manages to sit and found herself in the same spot.

Her mind recalls what happened and she manages to stand on her own. She felt a little bit of dizziness and she can feel the tingling sensation on her neck.

" Mr. Hoody?"

While holding her gown up, she keeps calling him underneath the trees. Her eyes keep surveying the dark hoping that he will soon show himself.
She keeps walking through the woods but she doesn't see him anymore.

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