Chapter Two: Family

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The first thing she noticed was the sudden sting of cold rushing through her body. The South Pole was so much colder than she remembered. She pressed herself against Korra tightening the grip of her hand.

"Welcome back" her girlfriend said looking up to her smiling.

"I don't want to ruin the moment sweetie, but let's get going the cold is killing me." Asami smiling at the Avatar. It felt great to be with her in the material world again. She and her Girlfriend Korra.

"Look there is something back there" Korra said pointing through the snow. The Heiress looked through the light storm that was normal for the South Pole and then saw it. A little hut with steam coming out of a chimney. They both ran to it and upon coming closer they saw the sign

Fares, Fast Cheap and Safe

Looking at each other their smiles only got bigger, they were thinking about how to get to the tribe once they went to the portal, but this was better than they expected.

She knocked on the door and they both entered. Behind the counter was an old Lady reading a newspaper.

Reconstruction on its way - Future Industries contracted

"Phew" Asami sighed "Varric did not mess everything up then. Good". Then the old Lady looked up a quick look to the both of them and it was clear she did not realize who stood before her.

"Hello there you two, how may I help you?" the she asked politely.

"Hey" Korra began without leaving Asami enough time to start speaking "we would like to travel to the Tribe.

"Only the two of you?" the women behind the desk asked surprised.

"Yes" Asami began quickly before Korra could start speaking again "and as fast as possible, money should not be a problem"

"Good that I took money with me in the spirit world" she thought. Korra had laughed after she found the 800 Yuans and asked what she thought they needed money for.

"Well if that's so my son could fare the two of you right know, but that would cost extra. Let us say 200 Yuans?" the Lady asked with a surprised look.

"Sounds perfect" was everything Asami could say.

The way to Korras parents did not take long and they both just snuggled together in the sleigh. After they arrived Asami tipped the boy and went to Korra's childhood home

The surprise worked, upon opening the door Senna, Korras Mother, almost fainted. The sound of his wife squeaking let Tonraq, Korras Father ran to the door. Seeing his daughter he burst into tears and it was at this moment Asami first realized she had no idea how long they were gone. From the reaction the two showed it could have easily been years.

Just before Asami was about to ask how long they have been gone Tonraq grabbed her into their hug. She could feel the warmth of her loved one pressed against her and the tears of Tonraq on her skin. The hugging had continued for a little while, when Korra asked the question Asami was dying to ask.

"How long have we been gone?"

"Almost an entire year" Senna said still crying.

The look on Korras face matched how Asami was feeling. One year? That's impossible it felt like weeks, maybe two or three months. That would make the conversation they had planned not easier in any way.

After telling Tonraq and Senna everything about the Spirit World, leaving out the parts where they found and explored their love. Then Korra and Asami wanted to know what happened in Republic City while they were gone.

To their surprise it was not much. Mako got a promotion to Captain in the Police Force, Bolin and Opal were happy as ever, now living in Zaofu and Varrik sarted the reconstruction of Republic City with Zhu Li.

After that they all sat down to eat still talking about the spirit world and what they saw. It was time for the talk they both feared so much, but Asami knew it was time. The entire visit she could not touch Korra or look her too long in the eyes and it was killing her. As they all sat down Korra began to talk.

"Mom, dad. There is no easy way to say this. When 'sami and I were in the spirit world something happened."

The look on their faces hardened, probably expecting something terrifying. Which thinking about it could be true, depending how they thought about it.

"Well it technically did not happen in the spirit world, it happened long before, but...". Korra continued. Asami saw how hard it was for her love to speak the following words, so she moved over to Korra and grabbed her hand.

Korra was thrown out of her thought and gave Asami a quick look that said Thank you.

"Asami and I are in love with each other" was Korra managed to get out.

There was the look they both had feared. Confusion and that slight hint of whywas directly imprinted on Korras parents.

Senna was the first one to move, she ran to Korra and Asami, her eyes full of tears. But there were no tears of sadness her eyes were full of joy. She took them both in a big hug.

Tonraq however had yet to move. After Senna let go of the two lovebirds Korra looked up to him and asked "Dad?"

His eyes stern wandered from Korra to Asami, still not saying a word. Then after something that felt like an eternity to Asami he stood up and just said "Asami, would you please follow me into the kitchen"

Asami completely confused nodded and followed him. He pointed at a chair and said: "sit". Even though she would have been more comfortable standing she followed the order. Tonraq however was still standing when he turned around and looked her right in the eyes.

"Do you love Korra, Asami?" he asked, much to the confusion of Asami who expected something different, she did not know what, but different.

"Yes, with all of my heart." She stuttered out, still intimidated by Korra's Father, who had not shown any emotion since they popped the news.

"Good, good" he murmured.

"Then let me tell you one thing. I do not care who you are in Republic City or anywhere for that matter. "He began now uncomfortable close to her face" If you break your heart I will break you".

Asami did not know what to say, Tonraq had no problem with her being a woman, all he wanted is the best for his daughter.

Their faces where now even closer than before when Asami gave in to hear heart. She stood up, pushing Tonraq back.

"With all due respect. I love Korra "she exclaimed now screaming "I will never break her heart because that would break mine as well, we love each other and I will stay with her no matter what might happen."

Asami could have sworn time had stopped right there. She did not plan to shout at him, but she gave in on her feelings and emotion. Now she was standing there in front of Tonraq waiting for his reaction.

Tonraq eyes began to fill with tears, tears like the one he had when he saw Korra after they arrived. Tears of joy sprung into his eyes as grabbed Asami for the tightest hug she had ever received.

The screaming must have brought Korra into the Kitchen. Asami could see her standing there and she probably thought Tonraq was not approving of their relationship. Asami looked over to her and stretched an arm out for another group hug.

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