Chapter Three: Back To Republic City

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That night she felt like she could conquer the world. She was laying next to the person she loved. It was perfect. The people she was most worried about not approving her relationship with Korra had welcomed her to their family.

Korra had asked Tonraq and Senna not to tell anyone that they were back, so the young lovers could surprise their friends in Republic City and they promised not to tell anyone.

It all was perfect, but Asami knew that the next challenge would not be easier, how would Tenzin react and Bolin and Mako - oh my god Mako. His last two girlfriends not only becoming interested in women, but also falling in love with each other. That will not be a big confidence boost for him.

"He can take it" was all she could think. Korra let out a quick snore, which made her smile and with that she fell asleep.

The next morning was one of the best in months. The spirit world was great, but Asami missed a real bed. Not some leaves and her sleeping bag.

Korra was already up and when Asami went out of their room, she was greeted by the whole family in the Kitchen waiting for her to be ready for breakfast.

"You did not have to wait for me" said Asami surprised that Korra, of all people, had not touched her breakfast yet.

"Of course, it is tradition to wait for family" Tonraq said with a big smile on his face.

"Family" thought Asami. Her dad was her family, but then he turned out to be an Equalist and soon after she was able to forgive him everything he had done, he sacrificed his life to save the city and everyone still in it. For the last year Korra had been her family. Thinking about it nearly brought her to tears, but she caught herself and went to Korra to give her a good morning kiss.

As they pressed their lips together she could feel the stares of Tonraq and Senna. Even tough they both had no problem with their relationship; they were not used to the sight.

The breakfast was delicious and Asami remembered how she missed real food. She would have loved to stay and get her new family to know a little bit better, but they were gone for so long from Republic City that they just had to get back.

Korra's parents had come to say goodbye to the young couple when they stood in front of the spirit portal. A quick group hug and Korra and Asami went through the portal hand in hand. Just as they did the first time almost a year ago.

The walk in the Spirit World was unchanged and the trip to the new portal to Republic City was short. Standing before it Asami looked to Korra and kissed her passionately, fearing this could be the last kiss for a while. Then they went through.

When their eyes had adjusted to the darkness they made their away from the Spirit Portal towards Air-temple Island. It was night. Just as they planned. It was Korra's idea, to come back at night and then just show up on Air-temple island surprising everyone. It was a good plan but Asami knew that Korra just wanted to hold her hand and not hide their relationship and at night the Downtown part of Republic City was only inhabited by Spirits. Something both of them got used to a long time ago.

After a quick walk, with many "last kisses", at least that's what Korra called them, they arrived at the shore with Air-Temple Island in view. The water was still - good. It had to be for the plan they had forged together with Tonraq in order to get to Air-Temple Island unnoticed.

Korra started moving her hands in a rhythmic pattern and after a few minutes with some failed attempts a makeshift boat made out of ice appeared. Korra grabbed Asami and lifted her up.

"Do you trust me?" she asked with a big smile on her face and her eyes sparkling in the moonshine.

"With my life" answered Asami knowing what would happen next. Korra jumped over the boat and then used Airbending to lighten their impact. The boat stayed upright and did not break. Then Korra propelled the boat forward using her Waterbending and they made their way to the island.

Upon arriving Korra grabbed Asami again and brought them up on the main land. Shortly after that they walked to the main door, not without having to avoid the White-Lotus sentries and knocked. It was Pema who opened the door and judging by her face could not believe what she was seeing.

"Oh my god" she screamed exited "this can't be real, I must be dreaming. Pulling them in for a hug.

"psst" Korra whispered "You'll wake up the children". When they lifted the hug, she looked the girls and gestured them to follow her.

"You have to tell us everything that happened" she said while walking in a now more quiet tone "I still cannot believe you two are back. I thought you might have forgotten us or worse got lost in the Spirit World."

"Would I have been alone that might have happened, but as it turns out the Avatar is quite good at this Spiritual stuff." Asami said with a loving look to her girlfriend. Luckily Pema was walking ahead not seeing the looks they exchanged.

"Well do not let that hear Tenzin or he would never shut up about teaching her all this" Pema laughed now pointing at a door.

"He is in here" she said while knocking. "Tenzin my dear, we have very special visitors". She opened the door and there sat Tenzin looking over some papers.

"Who is it at this our and why did the With-Lot..." he said first not looking up.

"Korra. Asami. I did not know you were back" he shouted his voice full of joy. Then he ran up to them and Asami knew what was coming. Another hug. Thinking about it hugs seemed to be the new handshake. But she enjoyed it. It was Tenzin who gave her a place to stay when her father turned out to be an Equalist. After a long time Tenzin let go of the girls and looked at them with a gigantic smile on his face.

"We have to tell the kids" he said looking at Pema, who was almost instantly at the door. Luckily before she could get out of an earshot Asami realized what was happening.

"No wait, please" she said to Pema and then looking meaningful at Korra "we have to talk to you about something privately. At least for now." Tenzin and Pema looked confused and concerned as Korra stepped forward.

"We first went to my parents and I am glad they did not spill our return" she said smiling "But that is not the most important thing we wanted to tell you". Asami stepped next to her girlfriend putting her arm around the Avatars waste.

"They say you can find many different things in the Spirit world." Korra began "Some find peace with lost loved ones, some find beauty to distract from their worldly tether others find harmony. And we "

"found each other" Asami finished "Korra and I realized even before we went to the Spirit Wolrd that we were more than just friends and even though it might seem unusual to you we dearly love each other and "

"Com' on just shut up already" Tenzin interrupted "I can see you two are happy together and if you love each other than there is nothing wrong with it.

This time it was Asami that was in tears. Tenzin had been an anchor for her before, but this she had not expected. When Korra was gone he would often talk to her until late in the night, about how Korra is strong and how she will come back from this, wiser and stronger than she had ever been. He was right.

Korra saw her girlfriend cry like she had never seen her cry. Korra must have thought she was crazy, Tenzin just gave them reassurance on their relationship and Asami broke down. As she sat there on the floor Korra came down to her and hugged her like only her girlfriend the Avatar could and as they got up another group hug was bound to happen.

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