Chapter 29.

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Nicole started to wake up and found herself looking up at a familiar ceiling and knew that she was back in her prison and could sense that she wasn't alone and knew that it was the President Morty with her, she didn't stood up she just laid in her spot as she spoke out.

"I know what your main question is and I'll answer it, I acted the way I did before only one other time when I was eight. In my defense I was almost kidnapped, I had to do something."

"So you don't have split personality?" Was what the Morty asked her as Nicole sat up on the bed she was in and answered him

"'s more like a predictor instinct to attack any threat, I never learned how to fight but I'm very good at watching and I learn from it. Luckily and thankfully no one that is close to me knows about it." Her saying that the Morty imminently asked her another question

"And your so called very close friend?" Nicole glared at him when she spoke and he saw the serious look in her eyes

"We both have our secrets we don't share with the other. She's aware of only one since it was self defense." The President Morty was very surprised hearing those words from Nicole, he knew and was well aware that both girls where loyal to one another. The fact that he'd seen a part of her that she didn't want her closest person to know and her admiring that there was secretes she kept very privet, he became more determined to know more about Nicole. He also discovered something very important, he couldn't over power her, she could easily kill him.If he wanted to hold her the way he wanted he needed to drug her, during the rest of the day Nicole was given a lot of space that surprised her. She had a feeling that the Morty was planning something and was very alert, during some of the day she did take a shower and double checked to make sure the bathroom door was locked before she even got in the shower. After a twenty minute shower and changing out of her clothes to a fluffy comfortable bathrobe she felt a little more relaxed and happy, though when she sat down on the couch and getting her hairbrush out of the pockets of the bathrobe it was taken out of her hands.

"May I?" The President Morty asked her that question with a calm smile on his face, while as Nicole had an annoyed look on her face as she answered him

"Try anything and I'll break one of your fingers." With that said The Morty chuckled before he sat down behind her and started brushing her hair, even he could help but admire her hair. It was very long silky smooth and health, as for Nicole she felt disgusted that he was touching her hair. It only took him around ten minutes to completely brush her hair and as soon as he finished he started braiding it, Nicole thought she would take a chance and asked him a question.

" Would it be possible to go out again, it get's boring as hell being cooped up in here?"

"We'll see?" Nicole signed after hearing that from the Morty that held her captive, to her she was now a beast trapped in a luxurious cage. Though while her hair was being braided she came up with the idea of leaving the building, thanks to her new size he hands where around the same as a Morty's and since the Morty that she was with used his hand print all she needed to do was head a single latex glove and she would be free. Her main problem was getting access to a portal gun, she knew how to operate one and knew getting the right one would be tough. What she didn't blame on was her Rick, C-137 finally manged to get his hands on the serum that Nicole needed to change back into her 23 year old self. He's plan would soon take action as soon as he whipped out the memories of the Citadel's president of Nicole he would destroy all the records that where about the other versions of her and all the research that was found, though he planned on keeping the very fascinating ones about what type of drugs and serums that didn't have any effect and what types did.  

"When the next day came, Nicole really didn't sleep much, To much of her discomfort she was forced to sleep in the same bed as the president Morty. He had promised her that he would do anything to her, however when she woke up around five in the morning she found him spooning her with his head between her chest and holding her close to him. She wanted to yell and scream, even beating the kid was her instituted, Nicole really fought the urges. If she did she could kiss the serum goodbye and be really fucked up, the President Morty woke up around seven in the morning he saw that Nicole was alright awake and glaring at him with the look of  " let me the fuck go." type of look he chuckled and released his hold and that made Nicole quickly jolt out of the bed, with that quick action made him fall off the bed.

"Gross...gross..gross.GROSS!" Nicole had said that as she locked herself in the bathroom and imminently started the shower water that the Morty heard from outside the bathroom door.

"At this rate changing her to a heterosexual maybe more difficult than I thought? Looks like I'll haft to speed things up." The Morty thought that to himself as he got up and started to rub the wrinkles off his clothes, Nicole stayed in the bathroom for another ten minutes before getting out. When she opened the door she peeked out to see if the President Morty was in the room or near the door, Nicole was relieved that she was lone and got out of the bathroom. Though there was a not left for her on the bed, upon picking it up she stared reading it.

                               " I had some short business to attended too, I'll be back later. Love M"

   "Thank god." Nicole said that as she crumbled the paper in her hands and dropped it on the ground as she left the room, to change into the clothes that she was given to wear. Since she had her small life doll like body her captor thought it would be a cute idea to make her dress like a doll, she already did with her lolita fashion but she was forced to wear was a little too sexy for her liking. Nicole hated and refused to wear lolita that showed too much skin and thought it defeated the purpose in recreating rococo fashion for modern time, her dress was gothic which she was relieved about though it went above her knees. Of course there was a lot of complaining about the dress directly to the President Morty when he returned back and she didn't hold back her frustration in how it was degrading the brand of clothing she models and sponsors on her Instagram page.

"Do you have any idea how insulting wearing this dress is for me? Wearing this THING even here in this shit hole this is a bad mark on my reputation."

"You sure have a respect for these dresses don't you Nikki?" The president Morty said that to her as he was taking off his coat and putting it up, though when he had his back to her he had reach in his shirt pocket in grabbing something as Nicole answered him

"I should and you should know why too if you know me so well?" Within a split second that he turned the Morty had thrown a type a device that immobilized Nicole by wrapped itself around the upper part of her body but not to to wrists, of course Nicole struggled to get free even after she fell on the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" Nicole shouted that question and she imminently stopped when she saw her captor holding a  some strange looking claw shape device. At the tip of the claw looked to be some sort of microchip, like what you would see with computers. Nicole seen a lot of sifi movie and got an idea what the chip was for and she started to back away as the Morty was walking calmly too her as he spoke out

"So you know what this is? I was hoping to chance you a natural way, it was obvious that would be impossible for you being aromantic and asexual." Before Nicole knew it she had backed int the wall, just as Nicole was about to kick him he stopped her by grabbed her ankle with his free hand.

"Oh I love that spirit of yours. Just like fire." Just like before at the gym Nicole's pupils had turned into the cat like appearance just before the Morty has injected the chip in her hand and as a quick response in defense Nicole sinked her teeth into his face, great force and hard enough force for blood to start coming out and the President Morty was screaming and pain as he dropped the device and tried pulling Nicole off him while he alerted security. It took the security Rick's seconds to arrive into the pent house and them pulling Nicole off there leader, once they did the Morty was holding his bloody face as Nicole spit out half of his nose at the ground in front of him with his blood around her mouth and her catching her breath as soon as her pupil turned back to normal. The president Morty had ordered to put Nicole into containment while he would need to put his face back together and was rushed to the Citadel's hospital, little did Nicole realize that the Rick that was taking her to the so called containment facility was Rick C-137.     

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