Chapter 17.

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Nicole did set up a hotel reservation for herself and her close friend for the both of them and since Nicole was famous she ended up getting a very good room with bad ass room service, Nicole even went to the hotel herself to prove that it was rea...

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Nicole did set up a hotel reservation for herself and her close friend for the both of them and since Nicole was famous she ended up getting a very good room with bad ass room service, Nicole even went to the hotel herself to prove that it was really her. Not to her surprise the hotel was shocked and happy to see her and she even offered to do a few videos to promote the location that got her complementary stay, once Nicole got back to her place she started packing her suitcase for her stay at the hotel which was a week worth of clothes. Another thing Nicole did was picking a bouquet of blue roses from her rose bush that rick had given her, though there was one thing that was still on her mind since the morning.

"How the hell did Rick know that nickname?" No matter how hard Nicole tried to forget about it the thought still came back to her on how Rick knew, then another thought came to her, at that moment her phone started ringing and she answered it

"Damn you've got good timing." Nicole spoke that to her friend Keisha when she sat down outside chair 

"I had a feeling that I needed to call you, sounds like I was right. What happened?"

"This morning Rick called me DarkStar." From Keisha's end she was very shocked to hear that name

"How the hell does he know that name? No one else besides me calls you that."

"I'm damn sure Rick made some sort of device that let's him go into peoples minds, you know me my mind isn't a good place.......But my dreams are." Hearing Nicole said that Keisha got up off her couch

"If you think he went into your dreams I'd believe it, seems like that old geezer can make anything. Anyway I'll call you later I was about to pack my things see ya tomorrow my darkest star."

"Yeah I'll call you in the morning, bye." Hearing Nicole's last words they ended there calls at the same time, but when Keisha ended her call a type of portal had opened that shocked her and what shocked her more was seeing a fourteen year old boy wearing a suit had come out of it along with two Ricks wearing uniforms where with him.

"Keisha Leeperton I assume?" Was what the kid questioned her but Keisha ad a strange vibe from him as she spoke

"Your Morty Smith, Rick's grandson. I take it your from a different reality?What the hell do you want?" Instead of the Morty one of the Ricks answered her

"Miss Leeperton we'd like for you to come with us to answer some questions."

"And if I refuse?" Was the one thing Keisha said before the other Rick shoot her and fell on the ground out cold

"Still hard to believe this fatty is Nicole's closest friend? I have a feeling she'll put up a fight as well." The President Morty said said looked over to the picture on the wall as the two Ricks where doing there best to drag Keisha to the open portal, President Morty then picked up a picture flame with the top of it saying "Best Friends" and the picture was of Nicole and Keisha of what looked like there High School senior prom. He noticed right away that Nicole didn't have bangs and looked a little older than she did now.

"Huh? Guess bangs take off a few years?"

When Keisha started coming too she found herself tied to chair by rope another thing she noticed that she wasn't in her apartment anymore but in a completely different place, she immediately recognized it as an interrogation room. She also two two Ricks wearing the came type of white uniform from before in the room with her. Instead of looking scared or confused  Keisha was annoyed, she still kept that look when President Morty came in the room

"You don't seems so surprised?" Was what he asked and Keisha answered him with a confident tone and look

"Oh please me and Nicole came prepared any type of situations since I first meet her, I'm fortunate that this scenario is one of the most planned ones that involved me." She could tell that he was impressed by what she said, he snapped his fingers in which the two Ricks left them alone as President Morty sat in his chair.

"Then I guess I don't have to explain my actions to you do I?"

"You want to know Nicole more than you already do, she told me all I needed to know about her Rick and his emotions to her. No doubt you tried to find other versions of her, you idiots didn't listen to her warning did you?"

"We did, but we didn't think it would be as bad." That was the answer Keisha got and she started laughing for a few second and she stopped while President Morty questioned her

"Though I am curious on how you managed to get as close as you are to her, I'd like to know how?" Keisha smirked at that question and she answered him

"Well no point in lying to you. Might as well tell the truth since your like her. I've been waiting a long while for this." Hearing that confused the boy at first then Keisha continued talking

"Before I met Nicole I already knew her I was one of her followers, when she said what High School she was going too I was excited. However when I first met her something felt different about her, I noticed that she didn't really want to be close with people despite having people consistently around her. Another thing I noticed was how she can easily wrap people around her finger without trying or with others realizing it."

"You realized she a good manipulator." President Morty said that interrupting her and she grinned 

"You'd be surprised how shocked she was when I confronted her, though I wouldn't say shocked but rather happy believe it or not." While Keisha was talking she looked down instead of grinning she had a calm smile on her face

"Nicole wanted a friend that can see threw the mask she always wore. I became her first real friend, the people around her are just mostly antiquates she only wants one person to be close to her . The only other person that knows she manipulates is her older brother, he never confronted her about it. It's kind of his fault."

"Her brother's fault how come?" Keisha signed hearing that question and she looked back up at the Morty in front of her

"If you don't already know Nicole grew up in a verbally abusive and sexually frustrated environment from her parents. I can relate to that, in her case is different. Her older sister is ten years older than her and moved out when she was eighteen, Dexter wanted to show Nicole that life isn't so nice and fair and he treated her horribly when she was six he never treated her like family nor a sister but rather a unwanted stranger. He didn't realize how far he went with her. That's what Nicole told me anyway she kept up with her parents mostly her mother about having friends when really she was terrified of anyone getting close to her. The same with her family she acted friendly but didn't really trust them, she didn't know how to open up. She always felt alone, she felt like she had nobody, Nicole didn't know how to trust anybody." The more President Morty listened the more shock he was in hearing who Nicole really was as was some of the Rick guards that where listening as well, to them Nicole was worse than any Rick but at the same time she was nicer than any Rick. They where shocked to hear the Nicole killed someone by ripping there face off with her own teeth when someone tried kidnapping Nicole when she was ten, another thing that interested them was how now Nicole's siblings wanted to be close like siblings and Nicole wanting nothing to do with them, since she didn't really feel anything for her older brother and sister as much as she should. 

Keisha told everything she knew about Nicole. She also mentioned if they tried cloning Keisha or replacing her Nicole would tell the difference along with doing extreme measures in getting her back .The President Morty believed her, he then un tied Keisha in which she stood up off her chair. Before Keisha left President Morty shot her in the head with a type of memory whipper beam that made her fall on the ground, the second she fell on the ground the Rick guards opened the door and dragged Keisha out of the room.

"Now everything makes sense on why Nicole doesn't believe in romance, she was never exposed to it. Though if things where different she would still end up as the same person." With the new information about Nicole C-137, President Morty could tell the concern vibes with some of the Ricks. In which he informed them that his plans where still going to take action in his plan.           

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