Chapter 8:Rey Solo

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Rey flew through space and made it safely to Coruscant. Walking up the temple stairs she was stopped at the top by republic guards.

"You can't go in here. You need written permission from the chancellor herself." The guard put his hand out to stop Rey from going in.

Rey sighed and turned around and walked back. She took a transport ship to the capital and walked through to the chancellors quarters. There she was stopped by even more guards.

"You can't go in without permission from the chancellor." The guard said annoyed.

Rey sighed, "How am I supposed to go into the old Jedi temple if I need permission from the chancellor, when I can't see the chancellor to get permission."

The guard stuttered for words when Marie opened the door. She smiled warmly when she saw Rey.

"Rey! Please come in." She looked at her guards. "Rey is the Jedi's Grand Master. She is welcome in here anytime." The Guards nodded but didn't look happy about it.

Rey walked into the chambers and sat down on a sofa with Marie. She didn't really get a good look at Marie last time she was here. Marie was a tall and slim woman. She had nice curly brown hair and blue eyes. She was very tan with a very pretty face. One thing Rey noticed was that Marie didn't wear makeup. This was odd to her, but in a good way. The women in the governments, as Rey had noted from this one and from studying past governments were always told to wear makeup to "seem more appealing." In fact, just from walking through the halls without wearing makeup herself, Rey would get weird looks from people. She thanked the force that she didn't have to be here very often.

"So. What can I do for you?" Marie asked while pouring Rey a cup of water.

"Oh, thanks. There are some documents I've been told might be in the old Jedi temple that I need for my temple. Things related to possible future Jedi and... others." Rey didn't like lying, but judging by Marie's response last time Tsavong was brought up then She didn't think Marie would just give her access.

Marie smiled at her again. She liked to smile, Rey guessed. "Sure. I can give you full access to the whole Jedi temple anytime you need. Not that I don't enjoy your visits."

"Thank you, that's very kind."

Marie waved it away like it was nothing. "I have a question for you Rey. How far along are you?"

Rey froze. Was it that obvious? "Um I think just a month or so."

Marie looked at her belly. This was making Rey uncomfortable. "It's nice to know that Jedi can have relations. Last I heard the old Jedi were not allowed. Do you... Do you know who the father is?"

"Yes..." Rey hesitated. She couldn't lie and say Finn- That wasn't fair to him or Ben. But she couldn't tell the truth. Lucky for Rey, Marie didn't push anymore than that.

"I'm happy for you. You don't need to tell me your personal life anymore than that. My door is always open if you need anything, but I have a meeting to get to soon so I must ask you to leave. Thank you for stopping by."

Rey bowed and then left. Getting back to the Jedi temple, Rey walked up the steps and was not stopped by the guards this time. Inside the temple she walks through the halls and makes it to the old library. A lot of the old readings from the old temple were destroyed. Probably during the raid of the temple all those years ago. Rey walks through as many rooms as she can, taking notes as where to go later to get more things for the academy. Eventually she finds a secret room back in the database of the temple. Inside of this room there was a terminal that has information on many alien species. She types the name Tsavong into the terminal and gets little results. She does find out that he is of a species known as the Yuuzhan Vong. All that she can find out is that Tsavong Lah is the Warmaster, which is basically the general. That means that there is probably someone stronger and bigger than him. Rey sees that they are from outside of the galaxy and then there is an extra note: "WARNING: this species might be resistant to force techniques. Do not engage if found. Run away. I repeat, do not engage, flee the area."

Rey puts this information on a datapad and starts to leave. While she was leaving Rey thinks about everything that happened in this temple. This temple is where Ben's grandfather massacred the Jedi. Anakin Skywalker, or Darth Vader had done this on the order of her grandfather, Sheev Palpatine. Or Darth Sidious. Rey hated that she was related to him. She knew nothing about her parents and believes that Sidious had something to do with their deaths. Rey made it back to the entrance of the temple and walked to her ship. Suddenly out of nowhere Rey was hit with a huge wave or darkness. She collapsed under the pain and fell down the stairs. She awoke with a huge crowd around her muttering. Rey sat up and groaned.

"Are you alright ma'am?" A woman crouched next to her.

"Yes. Thank you." Rey stood back up and shook herself off. What was that feeling? Rey realized that this must mean that something is coming. She sped up and got into her ship and flew back to see if Ben had made it home safe.

When Rey got back to Tatooine she saw Ben's ship and felt relief in her chest. She got out and ran into the house and basically tackled him. Ben looked at her shocked.

"Are you ok? What's wrong?" Ben grabbed Rey's arms and looked at her concerned.

"I- I... I felt something. Dark and cold. Something coming. I couldn't stand it, I fainted. I had to make sure you were ok." Rey was trembling while telling Ben this.

"Yea, I'm fine. I got here about a half hour ago. I was a bit nervous for you and then I remembered Luke telling me how large that temple was. I was sure that you were just exploring. Also I found a real crib in town. So that's pretty good. For someone stuck here anyway." He smiled at her.

Rey laughed. It felt good to be back with him. "What did you learn at the academy?"

Ben scratched his head. They went and sat down and shared the info that they had learned from their missions.

"So you don't remember Jacen?" Rey asked.

"Nope. Judging by the vision, he left before I had turned on Luke. He got out of there at the right moment." Ben responded looking at the ground.

"But where did he go after he left? How can we find out? I think he's part of the reason I felt the darkness. Ben, if the message from the old temple is true then maybe Caedus and Tsavong Lah are bringing an army of the Yuuzhan Vong here to us." Rey was incredibly worried hearing about this. The last thing the new government and Jedi order needed was a huge unstoppable army to fight. She didn't know what they all would do. Rey didn't have a huge amount of Jedi to take on this dark side user. Before Ben could respond her comlink went off and Finn appeared.

"Rey.. you have to come back to Yavin 4. Caedus, Tsavong Lah and a small army of things that look like him are here. Caedus claims that he won't move until you get here." Finn told her nervously.

Rey and Ben shared a look.

"Go. You have to do this." Ben nodded.

Rey smiled trying to hide the fear that was rising inside of her. She got up and Ben held her for a while. She kissed him and then took off. Whatever happened next was uncertain, but Rey knew that the only thing to do was stand her ground. As she left hyperspace and saw Yavin 4, Rey was prepared for the worst.

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