Chapter 22:Finn

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Finn groaned. He was lying on the floor in the grand master office in the temple. Everything hurt and his clothes were burnt. Getting off the floor, he cleaned himself up and got some of the dirt and blood off of his face and then sat down in the chair. He thought about how useful it would be to have Rey around, and found himself wallowing in self pity for a little bit, wondering if she would have been able to find a way to stop the Yuuzhan Vong quicker than he did.

He shook off those thoughts and thought about the fight in general. Why wasn't Darth Caedus or Tsavong Lah there? Was that a diversion? Were they saving their strength for an upcoming fight? Could the Jedi stay out of the war for much longer? And if they couldn't, could they save themselves from falling to the same fate that the old Jedi did? All these questions and Finn didn't have an answer to any of them.

If Rey and Ben could help him than all of this would be a lot easier. But they couldn't and Finn knew that. He knew that he had to take a stand and do what he could. For his friends, for the Jedi, for the Republic, and for the Galaxy. These thoughts comforted him and he went back to studying old Jedi texts. There was an interesting symbol on one of the texts that Finn realized was the symbol of the old grey Jedi that stood even before the old republic did. The grey Jedi were an order of Jedi that believed in balance between the light and the dark, and were the basis for this order that Finn, Rey and Ben had started.

It felt good to be a part of something like this. From First Order stormtrooper to temporary Grand Master of the Jedi Order. Something still felt off in the force though, so Finn grabbed the darksaber and headed to his ship. He would fly to Coruscant and see if Poe needed any help. Landing at the senate building, he jumped out and showed his Jedi pass to the guards so they knew that he could be in the more restricted sections of the building. Walking through it he stopped at the security guard office. There were two guards there right now watching cameras and eating snacks.

"Uh, hey guys." Finn greeted himself.

One of the guards looked at him and nodded. "Hey man, what's up, you lost or something?"

"No, I'm looking for Poe Dameron." Finn corrected him.

"Ok, uh. Who's asking?" The guard spun his chair around and looked at Finn Cautiously.

"Finn is. Who are you?"

"Oh sup man. You're a Jedi. Name's John. Nah dude, I haven't seen Poe. You could check the medbay though. I saw him a bit ago muttering about defensive measures or something. Are you sure he's stable??"

Finn sighed. "No. No, I'm not. Thanks anyways."

Finn walked away from that weird encounter and walked to the medbay. The doctor there said that Poe had come by asking about medical supplies and then left for the armory. After again walking to the armory, Finn finally found Poe counting weapons and ammo.

Finn looked at him confused. "Dude, what are you doing?"

Poe looked up at him. "Hey buddy, I think a big battle is coming here, I'm trying to get everything ready just in case it does. I think we're armed enough. I got the best guards and troops out patrolling and Marie put the city on lockdown."

"Well that would explain the odd guards shoved on cam duty. Do you need anything from me?"

Poe thought about it. "Yea actually, can you call Rey and see if you can get her here for a bit? It'll be useful for both of you to be here. I think we should meet with Marie one more time and having the top two Jedi with me could be nice. Plus you haven't met her officially yet so you can stop complaining about that. I don't know man, I got a bad feeling about this. All of this and I don't know why." Poe stood up and shook his head. "Something bad is coming and soon. Here I was thinking that the worst was behind us."

Finn nodded grimly. "I think you're right. I'm sensing something too. I'd bet credits that Ben and Rey do as well. I'll call Rey, and meet you at the Chancellor's quarters. I got a map, so I can find it myself."

Poe nodded and walked off. Finding somewhere more private, Finn called Rey and was glad to see her when she picked up.

"Rey, Poe wants you here for a meeting with the Chancellor. He wants us both to be there."

Rey sighed. "Sure, give me a bit. I'll join you guys late, start without me."

Finn nodded and hung up. He walked through the building until he found the place he was looking for. The quarters had extra guards than normal and after confirming he was who he said he was, one of the guards went inside to get the Chancellor. She opened the door and started at him with a grim face.

"Jedi master Finn. I wish the circumstances were better, but it's still nice to meet you. Come inside, we have a lot to discuss."

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