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Yoongi almost shrieked when the ghost started to fly in the air with a lopsided grin, twisting and turning around him, shooting in and out of rooms through the walls instead of doors. Yoongi waited for a while to see if he would stop but nope, he started to play with the lights, switching them on and off in every room.

/Oh lord, he's a brat./

"Yah. Get down here.."

Yoongi weakly tried to persuade the playful one who finally stopped at his voice, hanging upside down from the ceiling to smile at him. The half demon bit his lip nervously, thinking that it might be best to start with an introduction.

"Er ok, well, that's better... so, um.. hi? I'm Yoongi, Min Yoongi. You can call me hyung since I'm older... I'm here to help you so... can you tell me your name?"

The ghost pouted, sinking through the ceiling until only his hair and eyes were seen. Yoongi panicked, and waved his hands around anxiously.

"Oh! Um.. you don't have to answer me.. just.. take your time, ok? I'm staying here for a while, look." He stepped aside to show his luggage. "If you feel like talking, don't hesitate to call me! Er.. now I need a place to sleep so.. if you don't mind.."

Yoongi bravely dragged his stuff forward, peeking into the living area, kitchen, bathroom, and finally the bedroom. Every room was a little dusty but it was habitable and neatly furnished. Now, the half demon wondered where he should sleep, if the ghost has haunted this place for eight months, it surely meant that this apartment room is something meaningful and the bedroom might be his. Yoongi nodded to himself and turned back to the living room, trying to ignore how the ghost slowly revealed more of himself, dropping down to the floor with a headstand. It was kind of creepy but Yoongi has seen creepier things down in the underworld. The only thing was, Seokjin never let him near the spirits so it's still a new feeling to him.

Suddenly, a cold wisp of air rushed past him, the young spirit stood proudly at the living space entrance and pointed to the bedroom.

"Oh," Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "I can sleep in the bedroom? Isn't it yours?"

The ghost shrugged.

"It's ok, the couch looks comfy enough." Yoongi says, looking carefully at the other's reaction which resulted in a scrunched up face, and a small shake of his head. Yoongi was going to continue his protest but the ghost just huffed, and picked up his bags like it was nothing, moving past him towards the bedroom. Yoongi had a chance to look at him up close, he looked younger than his age, chocolate brown hair, round doe eyes, tall and-


Yoongi shook his head, softly slapping his cheeks before following the ghost into the brightly lit bedroom, his bags were piled on the bed and the ghost was currently doing mid air flips again.

"Don't you get tired- oh, you're a ghost." Yoongi scratched his neck dumbly, the other grinned at him and flopped down on the bed, patting the spot next to him while looking expectantly at Yoongi.

"Ah," The florist was a little flustered, "I need to wash up a bit.. just a minute." He quickly approached his smallest bag to find all his hygiene products and quickly left the room to do his business in the bathroom, aware of the other's eyes fixed on him.

A few minutes later, Yoongi found himself laying on the left side of the bed facing the ghost who was also in the same position but with an extra grin. Yoongi scanned the other's clothing; a large black hoodie and dark gray sweatpants while he was wearing an oversized white sweater and light gray sweats. The ghost was staring at him with his round eyes, as if he was waiting for Yoongi to say something.

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