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Yoongi woke up earlier than usual, quietly sneaking out of bed and trying not to wake the younger up. He headed out to the store first to carefully make his bouquet for Jungkook.

It mainly consisted of fresh white lilies which the ghost has took a liking to these day. Yoongi also added reddish orange tiger flowers which are Jungkook's birth flower. The result looked beautiful, a combination of white and warm tones with small gypso flowers peeking out. Yoongi spent a few seconds looking at it before adding bits of other stuff that he sees perfect.

By the time he was finally finished, it was almost seven so he carefully placed it in a box and made his way back to the apartment to take a shower.

Yoongi wasn't surprised to see Jungkook at the door with a panicked look.

"Hyung!" the younger crushed him in a hug. "I thought you left without me!"

The half demon groaned, face squished against Jungkook's chest whom quickly let him go with wide puppy eyes. Yoongi patted his cheeks with a small smile.

"Silly, I promised you, didn't I? I just had to prepare something so I left early."

Jungkook frowned, scanning his clothes underneath the long coat. "But you're still in your pajamas."

"Yeah, well, I'm going to take a shower now."

"Ok! I'll heat up the leftovers."

"Oh, thanks but- just a bit would be fine. We have to get there before eight."

Jungkook nodded excitedly and left for the kitchen, not forgetting to bump his head to Yoongi's as he passed by. Yoongi furrowed his brows at the action, wondering what that was for and quickly headed to the bedroom for his clothes.
Forty minutes later and they were leaving the apartment, Yoongi looking a bit dazed and Jungkook bouncing happily, enjoying the outside world for the second time.

They reached the shop in a few minutes and Jungkook rushed in with a sparkle in his wide doe eyes.

"Finally, I get to see where you work!"

"It's not that interesting..." Yoongi mumbled, looking around the same interior he was used to seeing everyday.

Jungkook pouted at him and eagerly waltzed around the shop, looking at everything in awe.

Yoongi moved closer to his box and carefully picked up his bouquet, nervously turning around to call the other.

"Um... Jungkook ah."


"Here, look."

Yoongi held out the flower arrangement and Jungkook finally turned to see it. The ghost stood still for a moment before letting out a small 'wow' and approached the florist to gently take the bouquet into his hold.

"Yoongi hyung... it's- it's so beautiful. Thank you... I really like it."

Jungkook smiled widely, bunny teeth peeking out and eyes turning into small crescents. Yoongi smiled along at the sight and took it back to make some final touches and making sure that the flowers would stay fresh for a longer duration than usual.

The younger settled down on the floor refusing to sit close to Yoongi because he was apparently scribbling something down in a piece of paper, calling it a 'letter to himself'.

He then slipped it into a white envelope along with his drawing and wrote his full name on it, looking proud at the finished message and handed it to Yoongi with an excited smile.

"You seem eager."

The older commented and Jungkook nodded with a smug look, "Of course I am hyung, that's myself that I'm writing to."
Yoongi scrunched up his face and looked down at his phone at the notification sound. Hoseok sent a text saying that he's almost there.

"Ok, your cousin's almost here. Behave and don't knock anything over, ok?"

Jungkook gave a lazy salute and joked around with the other for a bit until Hoseok arrived at the shop a few minutes later.

"Hey, Yoongi. Namjoon's taking the car around, sorry, we're in a bit of a hurry."

Hoseok barged in with a tired smile and Yoongi just quickly nodded, picking up the two coffee cups and a bag of cookies that he prepared.

"Here, it's on me."

"Oh, no it's-"

"Come on, I'll help you." Yoongi cut in, insisting on the drinks and snacks so Hoseok nervously accepted it while Yoongi carefully picked up the big bouquet in his arms. He glanced at Jungkook who was sitting on the counter, swinging his legs and watching the scene with a fond smile on his face. Yoongi gave a small smile back and turned around to Hoseok who looked at the flowers with a surprised look.

"Woah, you're so good at this! It looks beautiful. I have to take a picture for Kook to see."

Yoongi blushed, walking the orange haired man to the front of his shop before speaking up about the white envelope.

"Um, Hoseok? Can you please keep this letter for Jungkook to read? It's something... personal."

Hoseok raised an eyebrow at that, eyes casting down to look at the name on it and nodded.

"Sure, and by the way, your handwriting looks a lot like Jungkook's."

"Oh? Well, that's a coincidence."

Yoongi chuckled, and then right on cue, Namjoon's car slowly pulled up to the curb, giving Yoongi a wave and thanking him for the stuff. Yoongi laid the bouquet gently on the back seat and said his thanks, wishing them a safe drive before they finally drove off. He watched the car disappear, turning a corner few blocks ahead and wished that he could go with them but.. he was too scared to go alone.

"Hyung, come in, it's cold."

Jungkook stood by the door, beckoning for him to enter the warm room so Yoongi quickly scurried in.

"Ughh I want to hug you."

The younger whined, flailing his arms through Yoongi repeatedly until the other huffed.

"/Stop/, it feels weird. And you hug me all the time." Yoongi pouted, escaping from the ghost to make some small cookies and muffins since the display case was looking a bit empty.

"Oh! What're you making, hyung? Can I help? Jungkook bounced after him like a kid, eyes shining with interest as he saw all the equipment.

"Um," Yoongi hesitated a bit before giving in. "just- I think you can do the smaller stuff. I don't want anyone coming in to see things floating."

"Ayy you're boring."

"Shut up, I decided that you're going to mix the batter on the floor. So noone can see you."

Yoongi firmly said, preparing the ingredients and bowls, getting started to pour everything in.

"This is slavery!"

Jungkook exclaimed, clutching his chest with an exaggerated dramatic look on his face.

"Well, you always wanted to come here didn't you? What did you expect? Of course I wouldn't let you lounge around freely."

"Hmph, I can't wait for Tae to get here."

"So he's your favorite now?"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at the taller beside him who immediately shook his head with a lopsided grin.

"Nah, of course it's you. I like you the most."

Yoongi felt his face getting warmer so he quickly ducked his head down to continue with the wet ingredients and finally placed the bowl down on the floor.

"Here, get to work."

"Aw! You're blushing! You like it when I say I like you huh?"

"Get down there and mix it."

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Word count : 1217 words

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