Chapter 8

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"that is fine" harry says as they start to sign the paperwork and harry and niall walk out of the office and head back to work as harry needed a distraction and soon harry starts to work and soon leaves and goes back to his house as his phone starts to ring

"babe" riley says

"yeah" harry answers

"where are you"

"i came to the house to look for some things why"

"i missed you thought you were going to come home after work" riley says

"i need to do some things i will be over in a bit" harry says as he hangs up and goes back to the masterbed room and as he walks in he sees louis rings and the letter that harry wrote to louis and harry gets the rings and puts them in the safe as he walks in the closet he sees louis clothes gone and soon leaves and walks into the apartment and sees riley in the kitchen" wow this is a  suprise first time i see you in the kitchen"

"well i been thinking and you are right, if i am going to stay home with the baby then i need to do more than just supervise" riley says

"well if you do get overwhelmed we can get a cook" harry says

"thank you" riley says "now sit down dinner is ready"

"what did you make"

"just lasagna" riley says as harry sits down and riley serves him his plate and harry starts to eat

"is this frozen lasagna" harry questions

"yeah why" riley asks

"its gross i dont like this frozen food shit" harry says

"well i wont have time to make home cooked meals" riley says

"so what are you going to do the whole day since you wont be working and the baby wont be here for another 6 months" harry says

"relax and bring this baby into the world safely" riley says

"rye i dont want to argue with you but i think if you want to have maids and chefs and shit you might have to go back to work when you have the baby" harry says

"but why i mean you have money for us to live and we are going to have a bigger house how do you expect me to clean cook watch our baby and work full time" riley says

"im sorry rye i am just stressed out right now, louis is going after 75% of of everything including my business and i dont think i can stop him" harry says

"you have to be fucken kidding me, he is just a bitter ex" riley says

"i have no idea how i am going to get out of this i never thought he would do this" harry says

"cant you hide money or something so he doesnt know exactly what you have" riley asks

"no he always took care of everything made sure our finances were in order so he knows exactly how much i have" harry says

"how did he not know you had this apartment" riley says

"he did i just told him it was for when clients came they didnt have to rent a hotel" harry says

"ohhh ok well no matter what happens i will be by yourside" riley says

"thank you" harry says

"so when we get married am i going to be in charge of the finances" riley asks

"no i am going to open a joint account and put money in there for the house and things we need" harry says

"are you going to tell me how much money you have"

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