Chapter 16

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it is now thursday and louis wanted to make sure he looked good since he knew that luke and the guys arrived late the night before and louis was trying to get out of the house in time and drop off the kids at annes house and he knew he should of dropped them off the night before but he wanted to spend time with them so now he is rushing out the door and soon gets to annes house as he gets the twins out of car

"wait for mommy" louis says as he gets the boys bag and they walk to the front door and noah rings the doorbell as anne answers the door

"come in" anne says as the twins run inside and go to the guest house where they know harry is at "i made you a few breakfast burritos since you texted me that you were running late

"thank you anne, do you have any coffee ready i brought my mug i swear i cant believe i over slept" louis says as anne points to the coffee maker

"make your self at home" anne says as louis sees harry walking back into the house with both twins in his arms

"morning" harry says

"Morning" louis says as he finishes making his coffee "i really have to go"

"boys give mommy hugs" harry says as the twins run to louis and louis picks them up and hugs them tight

"be good for daddy and nana" louis says "mommy loves you both"

"we love mommy" noah says as both twins hug louis tight as louis hands them to harry

"your pants are to tight" harry growls with jealousy

"and" louis says as he walks out of the house as he says a thank you to anne and closes the door

"stop you have no right to tell him anything" anne says as she glares at harry

"i still cant help it" harry says "i still love him"

"then why are you with marie" anne says

"i'm breaking up with her" harry says


"she says she never wants to have kids and if we move forward and move in together or get married she wont be resposible for the twins and i will have to hire a nanny to watch them while i work" harry says

"well i dont like her anyways" anne says

"i know you dont and there are a lot more things but i just cant be with someone who wants nothing to do with my boys" harry says

"well breakfast is ready" anne says as her phone starts to ring "good morning jay"

"hey the kids doctor canceled he had a family emergency if you want you can bring me the boys" jay says

"no its ok i told harry i was watching them and he took the day off to be with them" anne says

"ohhh ok then i should be home all day incase you need to drop them off" jay says

"ok but we dont have anything planned but i will take them to you before louis gets out of work" anne says

"ok, i will talk to you later then" jay says as she hangs up the phone and calls louis

"mom" louis says

"hey i called anne if she wanted to drop off the twins but she said that harry took the day off to spend time with them and will call me before she drops them off"jay says

"ok mom just let me know when she does so i know where to pick them up" louis says


"mom i have to go my meeting is about to start" louis says as he parks the car and hangs up on jay and goes to his office and soon liam walks in

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