Chapter 7

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"are you ok" louis says as riley nods

"umm" riley says nervously as he hands harry an envelope "open it"

"what is going on harry" louis questions

"look i am sorry i just couldnt wait" riley says as harry opens the envelope and puts his hand over his mouth as harry looks at louis

"i'm sorry" harry says in shock

"im sorry i didnt mean for any of this to happen" riley says crying "im sorry"

"what is going on" louis yells out confused

"immm imm pregnant 12 weeks" riley says as louis starts to cry and puts his hand over his mouth and the other over his stomach as he sits down

"Doll" harry says as louis looks at harry

" it harrys" louis barely able to speak says

"yes" riley says as he looks at louis and harry

"how ....... how  long" louis cries out

"a year"  harry says in almost a whisper

"how could you" louis yells out "dont fucken touch me" louis yells out as harry tries to get near louis

"umm riley go back to the apartment and i will call you later" harry says

"is that where you were going every morning" louis says "and dont fucken lie to me"

"yes" harry says as he sits down and louis gets the envelope and takes out the letter and the ultra sound picture "im sorry"

"im sorry" riley says

"are you sure its mine" harry asks

"of course i havent been with anyone else" riley says

"get the fuck out" louis yells out as he walks out of the family room and goes to their bedroom

"rye, babe go to the apartment let me handle this" harry says

"im sorry harry i am so scare so scare i dont know what to do my family is going to kill me" riley says crying

"look let me deal with louis i will call you later" harry says

"ok" riley says as he places a kiss on harrys lips as they hear a gasp and harry opens his eyes and sees louis at the foot of the stairs "im sorry louis"

"get the fuck out" louis yells out and riley walks out of the house

"doll talk to me" harry says

"i have nothing to say to you" louis says

"please dont leave me, i am sorry" harry begs

"i am going to make this very clear as possible"  louis says crying "you think you played me but who ends up loosing, i mean what am i loosing a boy not a man a boy that didnt appreciate me and everything i have done for you what are you loosing a man who went out of his way to please you, to encourage you, to help you build your dreams, who has been there for you thru thick and thin, a man who accepted you in all of your flaws and trust me there were plenty, you can easily be replace but harry i am hard to replace"

"please doll please dont leave me i am sorry" harry begs

"how can i, he is pregnant  what is your plan for me to turn the other cheek and pretend that this never happened" louis cries out as he sits on the couch

"im sorry but i want to raise my child as a family" harry cries out

"then why are you begging me to stay if you already have your mind made up" louis says

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