Chapter 1 - Our First Day

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The whole club decided to meet up at the front of the school on the first day. The only person there was Jake. He was by himself, waiting.


He'd sigh. "Can't believe how much everyone's grown."


"Jake?" He heard. The voice he heard sounded nice. It reminded him of his high school crush Daisy-

"D-DAISY?!" He shouted, surprised.

She giggled. "I didn't know I would see you here! It's kinda surprising!"

"Y-yeah!..." Muttered Jake.

'Oh God, she's going to this College too? She's so cute...' Jake thought to himself, drooling.

"J-Jake, are you okay?" Daisy asked.

"Hm? What's wrong?" Jake mumbled.

"A second ago you were, Uhm, drooling!" Said Daisy.

"I... Was?..." Jake muttered. "I WAS?! OH MY GOD, I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING! I-"

Daisy giggled. "It's okay Jake! Now let's wait for that club!"


"Oh, hey Jake!" He heard once again. But this time it was a male voice. It sounded like a cheerful guy. He turned around and saw... Luke!

"Hey, Luke!" Said Jake. "Do you know where the others are?"

"Milly is coming, Zander and Hailey are together, and Sean is also coming!" He sang, walking over to me.

"Okay, good to know!" Said Jake.

"How's it going with you and Daisy?" Luke asked.

"I-" Jake muttered, cut off by Daisy.

"Oh you know, hanging out and stuff! What about you?" Hummed Daisy.

"Not much, but it's good to know that you and Jake are getting along!" Said Luke.

"Y-yeah..." Mumbled Jake.


"I'm here!" Jake heard. It sounding like a female voice shouting. Of course, it couldn't be anyone but...

"Milly!" Jake shouted.

"Hey, guys!" Milly said. "How's it going? Wait a minute, where IS everyone?"

'You're asking too much!...' Jake thought.

"Well, they're still coming. As Luke said, he said Sean is by himself, and Hailey and Zander are together!" He said.

"Okay!" Milly shouted. "So, what's going on between you and Daisy?"

"W-well, we-"

"They're doing fine!" Luke said.

"Yeah!" Daisy giggled.

The four began talking, waiting for the others to come.


"I'm here!" Jake heard once again. It sounded like a male voice. But who could it be? To him, it sounded like a mixture of Zander and Sean, so he couldn't tell. The only way he would know who it was would!d be by turning around. So he turned around and saw Sean!

"Oh, hey Sean!" Said Jake.

"Hey!" Sung Luke.

"HEY!" Shouted Milly.

"Hello!" Sung Daisy.

"How's it going, everyone?" Sean asked, mostly looking at Daisy, his little-not-obvious crush.

"Good!" Everyone would say, in different ways.

"So is everyone here?" Asked Milly.

"No, " Jake said."We're only missing Hailey and Zander.

"WHAT'S TAKING THEM SO LONG?!" Milly shouted.

"Calm down, " Sean said, stopping Milly from shouting. "You know... They might live far from here!"

Milly sighed. "I guess..."


"Sorry, we took so long!" Jake heard, and it wouldn't sound like anyone else but...

"Hailey!" Shouted Milly. "You and Zander are here!"

"Yep. Can we go inside now?-" Asked Zander.

"Yeah, of course!" Sung Daisy!


Everyone walked inside, looking at the two lines. The dorms and the schedules.

"Okay everyone, so what should we get firs-" Jake asked, cut off by everyone shouting.


"Okay then!-" Jake muttered.

They all went in line, waiting for their dorm numbers.


It has been a few minutes, and everybody got their dorm numbers. They all met up behind the lines.

"Alright guys, " Said Jake. "So who got what number? I got 49?-" (I don't how college or dorms work guys, sorry!-)

"Me too." Said Zander.

"I got 50!" Shouted Milly.

"Me too!" Hummed Hailey.

"I got 90!" Said Daisy.

A silence came across the group.

"N-nobody got 90?!-" She asked.


"A-awe man!" Muttered Daisy.

"Well I got 29, and I don't think anybody got that!" Said Sean.

"At least you guys can always visit us and each other!"

"Mhm!" Sung Daisy.


Next thing you knew, everyone already got their schedules.

"Okay everyone, how about we all get our dorms ready and meet up at the school fountain at (insert time here)?" Jake announced.

"Sounds good to me!" Everyone said in different ways.

'Maybe College won't be so bad?' Jake thought, walking to his dorm.


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