Chapter 5 - Alone With Her

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"Listen Jake..." Daisy muttered. "I need to go! Just... Go hang out with someone!"

"But-" Jake shouted, cut off by Daisy running away. He saw a girl staring at him.

"Um..." He mumbled. "May I help you?"

The girl just stared, as she finally realised Jake spoke to her.

"Oh me? Yeah, I'm fine, never better!" She shouted.

"Um, okay then..." Jake mumbled, walking away.


Jake walked to his dorm, to ask Zander if he wants to hang out. He opened the door, and Zander was with Luke.

'Guess he already has a problem to deal with!' Jake thought, walking away.

He went to Sean and whoever's dorm and knocked.

There was no reply.

He knocked again.

Still nothing.

'Guess he's gone too...' Jake thought.

He went over to Milly and Hailey's dorm and knocked.

Hailey opened the door, as he let out a sigh of relief because someone was there.

"Oh, hey Jake!" She said.

"Hey!" Jake shouted. "Where's Milly?"

"She's out with Elliot." Hailey sang.

"Oh, cool!" Said Jake. "Mind if I errr... Hang out with you?"

"Oh, no, not at all! Come on in!" Hailey said walking inside, shutting the door behind Jake.


Hailey went into her room and sat on her bed reading a book.

"What are you reading?" Jake asked.

"None of your business... It's just a book..." Hailey muttered.

"Ookay then!" Jake muttered.

Something came to Jake's mind.

"Oh hey remember the time you had to sing something for Luke in high school?" Jake hummed.

Hailey out her book down and stared at him. "YOU HEARD THAT?!"

"Oops?-" Jake mumbled, sweating because, at this very moment, Hailey could call Milly to kick him for absolutely no reason.

"Well, whatever..." Hailey muttered, covering her face with her book.


Jake was just sitting with Hailey, hoping they could get along more. He just sat there, thinking.

Hailey then suddenly sighed, got up, and put away her book.

"Where are you going?" Jake asked, standing up with her.

"To get myself a snack, " She said, walking out of her room. "Just stay here and wait."

"Wait, Hailey! Can you get me something too?-" Jake asked.

"Yeah, sure... What would you like?" Hailey asked.

"[Insert some food here]" Jake hummed.

"Got it," Hailey said as she kept walking.


After getting her snack, Hailey kept reading her book.

"Remember when Luke confessed to Zander? That was a nice time..." Jake mumbled.

"Yeah, " Hailey said. "Can't believe my brother found someone to love, although he's always so rude-"

Jake sighed, putting his hand down, trying to hold Hailey's without being awkward. No no, don't get it wrong, it's a sign of... Friendship?-

As Hailey's face went red when she realised, she heard something. It was Milly. She kicked Hailey's door open, ready to break the moment.

"HEY HAILEY-" She shouted. "Oooh! What's happening here?!"

Hailey took her hand back and held her book with it. "Nothing." Her face was red, and she couldn't hide it.

"Why's you face so red?!" Milly giggled.

"Nothing happened! Probably something from her book!" Jake muttered, his face slightly red.

(This scene made me think of the song "Me, you, and your friend Steve" lmao)

"I'll just go to provide that nothing weird happened!" Hailey said, putting her book away, as she walked out.

"Looks like someone has two crushes!" Milly shouted.

"MILLY!" Jake shouted even louder than her.


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