Chapter 4 - Asking Daisy

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Jake woke up.

"Okay, today's the day!" Jake whispered to himself.

Jake dressed up and put on his shoes. "Today I'll ask Daisy!" He said to himself, as he opened the door.


Jake messaged Daisy: "Hey Daisy, can you come to the fountain today?

Daisy: Sure Jake! What time?

Jake: I was wondering... Maybe... NOW?!

Daisy: Sure!

Daisy: See you there!

Jake: Mhm, see you!


Jake and Daisy both ran to the fountain as quickly as they could.

Jake was actually early for once. Unexpected, I know.?

When he was running, he ran into a girl. She had beautiful blue hair and white eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" She said in a cute high-pitched voice

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"I'm so sorry!" She said in a cute high-pitched voice.

"No no, it's okay!" Jake said while going to the fountain.

The girl slightly blushed, as Jake saw Daisy.


"So, Daisy..." He muttered. "About that JJ...

Daisy stared at him.

"Who IS he?" Jake muttered.

"He's just an old friend, that's all!" Daisy hummed.

'Hm, when people say that's all, that means they like that person!' Jake thought to himself. 'Now that I think about it, Daisy never said something like that about me-'

"Jake?... Jake!" Daisy shouted. "Why are you making weird faces?-"

"I-" Jake tried to speak, whilst getting cut off by-

"Um, sir?..." A girl said.


Jake turned around and saw the cute girl from earlier.

"Oh, uh, yes?" Jake muttered.

"I just wanted to say, I'd like to be friends with you!" The girl said.

"Hm, sure! My name's Jake, what about you?" He asked.

"I'm Tori!" Sang Tori.

While the girl and Jake were talking, Daisy walked away.


Knock knock.

"Who's there?" Asked Hailey, opening the door.

"It's me, Daisy! I'd like to talk to you about something..." Daisy muttered.

"Come on in!" Sang Hailey, letting Daisy into her room.


"I need to talk to you about my JJ..."

"You're what?"

"My JJ..."


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