Chapter 2 - The Meet At The Fountain

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Everyone got their dorms ready, and finally met at the fountain.


"So, everyone," Jake asked. "What do you guys wanna do?..."

"I wanna play football!" Milly shouted.

"I guess we'll do that, unless... Anybody else got ideas?" Jake asked, hoping somebody would say yes.

There was silence.

Jake was a bit scared but walked with everyone to play football. You see, Jake wasn't really... Good with balls... One time, he almost broke his foot when he was playing. But that wouldn't stop him. He was big and brave! He could do this!


"Alright everyone, you all know how to play!" Shouted Milly. "Let's get started!"


Everyone was doing good, and Jake was happy with himself until Milly suddenly stopped.

"Jake? Are you serious? I-" Milly shouted.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked.

"N-nothing..." Milly sighed. "Let's all just do something else..."


"How about we go to the Gardens?" Daisy suggested.

"Sure! They are beautiful!" Milly said, not shouting for once.

"The Gardens we'll go to them!" Jake said.


Jake was walking with everyone, thinking about Milly and how she didn't shout. He never knew that Milly liked Gardens, it was unexpected from a person like her.

'I should just enjoy the Gardens and get this off my mind...' Jake thought.

"Okay guys, so where do you wanna sit-" Milly said, walking backwards, while she bumped into someone. "Hm? I'm so sorry!-"

That moment, Milly realised who she was talking to. It was her crush, Elliot.

"E-Elliot!? Good to see you here!-" Milly said, her face red of embarrassment because she bumped into her crush.

"Good to see you here too!" Elliot smiled.

"Oooh, looks like somebody's got a cru-" Sung Jake, but off by Milly's punch.

"S-shut up Jake!" Milly shouted.

"I'd like to show you these flowers, let's go!" Elliot hummed.

"Sure!" Milly shouted, all of a sudden feeling a squeeze in her hand. Elliot held her hand.

Milly's face was red as a tomato, while she walked with Elliot.


"This flower's my favourite, it's called a Camellia!" Elliot sang.

"I think it's wonderful!" Milly said, interrupted by Elliot who took the flower and put it on her head.

It was a beautiful pink flower, that stood out, and was different than the other ones.

"I-I thought it would look good on you, and-" Elliot said, cut off by Milly.

Milly kissed him on the cheek, hugging him.

"Well, then you were correct!" She said.

"W-we should go back to the others!..." Elliot said while blushing like a tomato.

"O-okay!" Milly sang, blushing as she just realised what she did.


"You're back!" Jake hummed.

"We were just looking at the flowers while waiting," Hailey muttered.

"And Jake tried flirting with me!" Daisy giggled.

"DID NOT!-" Jake shouted.

"Alright well, looking at the flowers won't hurt, right?..." Milly mumbled.

"Yeah, let's just look at them, I guess?-" Jake muttered.

"Hailey, can we talk?" Zander asked Hailey.

"Maybe after we all finish hanging out?" Hailey replied.

"Fine..." He said, just looking at the flowers.


'I really need to talk to her about Jake... Something about him bugs me... What if he HASN'T CHANGED?!' Zander thought. 'For now, I'll keep Hailey distracted with the flowers so nothing happens... Jake better not flirt with anyone. Not even Daisy!'


Sooner or later, everyone had to stop hanging out.

"So, guys, it was fun while we did it, right?!" Jake said.

"Mhm!" Everyone said in different ways.

"So, tomorrow we'll be heading to classes, which means we can hang out after school!" Jake hummed. "See you guys later! Also, don't mind me if I visit your dorms from time to time!"

"Bye!" Everyone shouted to each other in different ways.

'Today was fun, but what's up with Zander? He was acting strange...'


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