Special Chapter 1 - Keep smiling!...

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Note: To people who don't know what special chapters are, I'm planning to make them mini-chapters.For example, this one is a backstory. Maybe consider these as AU's, since they'll be kinds different than the original backstories! ^^ Also, daisy lives in the countryside 👀



One of the most perfect girls you'll meet.

Someone so amazing that you can't believe is real.

A girl of your dreams.


Of course, there's something hiding behind the pretty face.

She can't just be perfect and that's it.



Set when young Daisy was 12


Daisy woke up, excited.

"Gooooood morning house!" She sang.

Daisy opened her window and shouted. "GOOOOD MORNING EVERYONE!"

She got out of bed and looked at her closet.

"Hm, what should I get today?" She giggled to herself.

Daisy took out a beautiful white dress and smiled to herself. "This looks goooooooood!"

She hopped out of her bedroom door, walking downstairs.

"Hello mother, hello father!" She hummed.

"Morning..." Her mother snapped.

"Morning sweetie! Today I'll be going for a business trip for a whole week if that's fine!" Her father sung.

"A whole... WEEK?!" Daisy shouted. "I- I-... It's alright father! Good luck!"

"Thank you, sweetie, I better leave now!" Her father said, happily walking outside.

As soon as her father left, her mother got back into her... Normal state.

"Alright, " Her mother snapped. "Go clean EVERYTHING!"

"Yes, mother..." Daisy muttered.


"Daisy, I need you to go shopping. " Said her mother.

"What should I get?" Daisy asked her mother.

"Here, " Her mother barked. "Get whatever is on the list.

" Yes, mother!" Daisy hummed, hoping outside.


Daisy hopped around.

"Hey, Daisy!" Said a guy with brown hair.

"Oh, hi JJ!" Daisy giggled.

She hopped past more and more people who would all say hello to her. Looks like everyone liked our perfect little girl. But not for long...


"UGH! WHY DOES SHE GET ALL THE ATTENTION?! WE HAVE TO SOMETHING! And I've got the perfect plan!... You'll have to help me with this Lily!"

"Yes, Miss Ivy..."


(This is the part it gets a bit... Mature 👀 Ill be using words like oof or oofed for this)

"Mother, father, I'm, ho-" Daisy got cut off by this horrifying scene.

"My parents... They're de- o-oofed!..." Mumbled Daisy, scared.

She fell to the ground, sobbing for around 2 hours.


1 year later.

Our little still perfect girl was now 13.

"JJ? JJ!" Daisy runner to her g u y friend, JJ.

"Hm? Oh, hey Daisy!" JJ hummed.

"I'm finally LEAVING this terrible place!" Daisy shouted because she got enough money to leave.

"That's great!" Jake sang.

"JJ... I just wanted to know..."

"Will you come with me?"

"I... Daisy, I need to stay with my family..." JJ mumbled.

"O-oh..." Daisy muttered.

"Maybe, just maybe..." Said JJ.

"One day we'll see each other again?..."

Daisy sniffed. "J-JJ... I hope to see you again... I... I love you..." Daisy muttered.

"I love you too Daisy..." JJ muttered kissing Daisy and hugging her.

"I guess it's the end?..." He muttered.

"No..." Daisy mumbled. "More of a... See you later... Alligator?"

JJ smiled and waved, watching Daisy leave on her horse.


"So, Daisy, I was wondering if we could-" Jake muttered.

"I need my JJ..." Daisy sobbed.


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