Chapter 3 - Our Friendly Sibling Talk

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Knock knock.

Milly opened the door.

"May I talk with Hailey?" Asked Zander.

"Yeah, sure!" Shouted Milly.


"Oh, hey Zander." Mumbled Hailey, as Zander walked into her room. "What's up?"

"Hailey, can I talk to you about something?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." Said Hailey, whilst sitting down.

"It's about Jake..." Zander muttered.

Hailey's face went a bit red. "What is it?..."

"I... I can tell you always look at him in the... The loving way..." He mumbled.

"W-what do you mean?!" Hailey's eyes widened, as her face went even redder.

"Look, " Zander said, looking at Hailey. "I don't want you to get heartbroken. Can't you see he still simps for Daisy?"

Hailey sighed. "Zander... But what if he changed?!"

Zander mumbled, "Hailey, I don't think he did-" He got cut off by Hailey shouting.


Zander sighed, as Hailey got out of her room, slamming the door on him.

But little did they know, Jake was listening.


Hailey sobbed a bit, as she ran out of her room.

"Hailey, are you okay?-" Milly asked, cut off by Hailey.

"NO, NO I'M NOT!" Hailey shouted, running outside.


Hailey was sitting on a bench, outside of the school since it was the end of the day.

'I shouldn't have shouted at him like that...' Hailey thought to herself. 'I'll go apologise...'

When Hailey was walking, she wasn't looking and accidentally bumped into-

"Oh, sorry Jake..." Hailey mumbled, picking herself up.

"Are you okay?..." Jake asked, trying to act like he didn't know what happened.

Hailey just didn't reply and walked away.

'It'll be hard to help her...' Jake thought to himself.


Hailey went back to her dorm and opened the door.

"Milly, do you know where Zander is?" She mumbled.

"Yep, " Milly shouted. "He's still in your room!"

"Okay, thanks!" Hailey said, whilst walking towards her room.

"Zander?..." She muttered while opening the door.

"What is it?..." He mumbled back.

"I'm sorry..." Hailey said while closing the door.

"Sorry for what?-" Zander asked, cut off by Hailey hugging him.

"I'm so sorry for shouting at you..." She said. "I don't know what I was thinking, I-"

"It's okay Hailey, I understand!" Mumbled Zander, hugging her back. "And about Jake... Guess he's not that bad after all!"

Hailey smiled. "How about we get ice cream with the others?"

"Sure!" Said Zander, as they both got on to their phones to call everyone.


When everyone was eating they're ice cream, Jake was thinking about why Daisy didn't come. Jake only heard Hailey say that Daisy said something about... Getting a JJ back? Whatever that was, Jake decided that he'd ask her today. Yep, right after he finished this... GIANT ICE CREAM?! Jeez, what did Hailey buy everyone?! Oh well, it's settled. After eating his ice cream, he'll ask Daisy what happened!


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