Chapter 11

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"So, what happens now?" Joe asked quietly, breaking the peaceful silence between him and Dianne. 

The pair had been nestling on the sofa for the last couple of hours: alternating between talking, making out, and just cuddling. And it was bliss, until reality began to dawn on them.

Dianne glanced up at him with a smirk, "What would you like to happen?" she questioned suggestively.

Joe smiled before brushing his lips teasingly against hers, "Honestly? I'd love to take you out on a date".

"I'd love that, too", Dianne sighed.

Joe frowned, "But I can't, because of the video".

Dianne looked confused, "Wait, but you didn't mention me by name".

"No, but now people know that I have feelings for someone," he explained, "And if we're seen together, it won't take a genius to figure out that it's you".

Dianne nodded in understanding, "And I did write that comment as well".

Joe shook his head, "Don't worry about that, I doubt many people caught onto it," he assured her, then crossed his fingers, "Anyway, I've moved the video to 'Private' before it gets any more attention; and hopefully, it won't go viral".

"Hopefully," Dianne agreed before crossing her own fingers and interlocking their hands, "Speaking of which, I should tell Lee about us".

Joe was taken aback, "Really?"

Dianne nodded, "I'd rather he hears it from me than finds out another way," she replied, "If the situation was reversed, I'd want him to tell me".

Joe considered this, "But would it be any of your business if he's dating someone?"

"If it was going to interfere with rehearsals, then yeah", Dianne pointed out.

"And you think this will?" Joe questioned.

"It already has," Dianne murmured, "Lee and I had a bit of an argument about you the last time you came to the studio, and I realised that I'd crossed a line by bringing you into our training".

Joe nodded in understanding, "Is that why I didn't hear from you after that, until today?"

Dianne nodded, "I'm really sorry", she whispered.

"I get it," Joe assured her as he wrapped his arms around her more securely, "It does explain a lot".

Dianne pulled a face, "I still could have sent you a message or something, saying that I couldn't see you for a while," she argued, "You didn't deserve radio silence".

Joe considered this, "Why didn't you?" he asked gently.

"Look, you didn't do anything wrong; I just couldn't let myself get distracted," Dianne explained, "I didn't want to let Lee down any more than I already had".

"You haven't let anyone down", Joe countered.

Dianne shrugged unconvincingly, "And I guess I thought that it might have seemed melodramatic, like I was breaking up with you even though we weren't together".

"Yeah, that's true," Joe chuckled; any remnants of annoyance towards her from the last ten days fading away, "But it doesn't matter anymore, does it? We figured it out".

Dianne smiled and leaned up to kiss him tenderly, "Just about".

Joe raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"Well, we still need to figure out how this is gonna work," Dianne pointed out, "Lee is the only person who can know about us while we're on the show, which means that we need to be really careful when we're together".

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