Chapter 12

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Although she preferred Christmas (and her birthday), Dianne loved Halloween. The creepy atmosphere, the costumes, the rituals; it was such a fun festival. But this one was extra special, because it marked her first date with Joe; and Dianne could barely contain her excitement.

Once she had gotten his phone number back (which wasn't as awkward a conversation as she had anticipated, as he had been so understanding), Dianne had made an extra effort to keep in touch with Joe over the last few days; more than making up for ten days of ignoring him! Although it was difficult to juggle a relationship on top of Strictly, Dianne worked hard to get the balance right. And having a proper date to look forward to after a day full of dancing was great motivation to keep her spirits up.

Joe had been almost bursting at the seams with excitement at seeing Dianne again. The last couple of days had been tricky for him to navigate following the upload (and subsequent removal) of his video about her. Unfortunately – though, not unexpectedly – he was still being bombarded by people questioning him about the video that he had removed. Family, friends, and followers alike all wanted to know the story. Joe had stayed as quiet as he possibly could, giving the same answers to everyone: that he couldn't talk about it. The YouTuber was fully aware that this was self-inflicted: he was the one who had filmed and published the video in the first place, so he had to deal with the consequences. But to say that Joe was looking forward to the date to take his mind off it would be an understatement! For Joe, just the opportunity to spend any time with the redhead at all was worth the hassle.

Dianne had come up with a genius plan (if she did say so herself!) of doing her makeup at the studio instead of at Joe's flat. Not only would the dancer have less chance of being spotted going to see him – which was kind of the point of their date – but she might even be able to freak him out a bit as well!


If it hadn't been for Dianne's text a couple of minutes earlier to let Joe know that she was on her way, the younger man wouldn't have realised that it was her outside the door of his flat. With her golden skin now a greyish green, her red hair hidden by a black wig, and her cute squidge nose replaced by a big pointy one, Dianne was unrecognisable.

"Trick or Treat?" she greeted, her Australian accent – the main giveaway – slipping through.

Joe grinned, "This seems like some sort of trick," he remarked as he reached out to touch her face and hair, "But it's always a treat to see you".

Dianne smiled fondly, and let Joe pull her into a kiss, "You too", she agreed as their lips briefly parted before re-joining again. They moved into the apartment, the door closing behind them as Joe pressed Dianne up against it.

"Maybe we should... stay in tonight instead?" Joe suggested between kisses.

Dianne let out a breath, "Tempting," she hummed, "But this might be our only chance to go out together for over a month, and I went to all this effort as well!"

Joe chuckled, "Good point, we shouldn't let it go to waste," he conceded before brushing his fingers through her coarse hairpiece, "You've done a great job, by the way".

"Thanks," Dianne grinned, "I can't wait to do you!"

There was a pause as her words lingered between them, and she frowned, "Hang on..."

Joe grinned and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, "Me neither".

Dianne giggled, "I meant your makeup," she retorted as she shoved him gently, "Get your mind out of the gutter!"

"Hey, you started it!" Joe argued as he interlocked their fingers.

"And I was hoping that you'd finish it", Dianne countered.

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