Chapter 16

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Neil was taken aback by Zoe's radiant mood as she practically skipped into the training room on Monday morning. Although they'd had an incredible weekend in Blackpool, the ginger man hadn't been expecting the young woman to be in such good spirits still.

"Howdy partner!" Zoe greeted as she slung her bag down in a corner.

Neil smirked, "Hey Zo," he greeted, "You're in a good mood".

The young woman hesitated as though suddenly self-conscious, then shrugged, "Yeah, I guess".

"I'm not complaining, you were amazing at Blackpool..." Neil began quickly, mentally kicking himself for ruining the atmosphere, "But I'm just not used to seeing you so upbeat on a Monday!"

Zoe chuckled, "Yeah, I guess I'm still riding that wave", she murmured as she sat down to change her shoes. Even though that was true, she was also full of excitement about her brother. Although she respected Joe and Dianne's wishes to keep their relationship quiet, Zoe had been taking full advantage of the opportunity to tease her brother about having a girlfriend; something that she had been waiting for years to do!

"Well, that's good," Neil assured her, "Let's just hope that you'll be able to keep it up for our new routine".

"Hopefully," Zoe nodded, "We're doing our Couple's Choice, aren't we?"

"Yeah, though 'choice' is a bit of a stretch!" Neil retorted.

Zoe was confused by his response, "What do you mean?"

"Well, how often do you make basketball related videos?" the dancer asked.

Zoe shook her head, "Never, I can't even remember the last time I played!" she chuckled, "Why?"

"Because our dance is basketball themed," Neil replied, "The choreographers sent me a video of what they have in mind; and even though they're amazing, the routine was clearly intended for someone else. I don't know who exactly, but I'm willing to bet it wasn't us!"

Zoe pulled a face, "Ah, that's awkward," she muttered, "Then again, we did choose Street Commercial, so I guess we get what we're given!"

Neil nodded, "Well, I was hoping that it would be more 'Commercial' to suit us, but it looks more 'Street' to me".

"When did you become an expert?" Zoe questioned teasingly.

Neil scoffed, "You're looking at the British National Champion and World Amateur Latin Champion here!" he pointed out, "I know Street Dance when I see it!"

"Well, I'll take your word for it then", Zoe shrugged as she stood up.

Neil chuckled before leading Zoe through their usual stretches, "Oh yeah, I noticed your message on the group chat over the weekend," he suddenly recalled, "Did you manage to find Joe?"

Zoe tried to hide her smile, "Yeah, I did".

"Where was he?" Neil asked curiously.

Zoe hesitated, "You know, I shouldn't really be telling anyone," she admitted, then shrugged, "But I guess it won't be the end of the world if I tell you, you can keep a secret".

"Of course I can!" Neil agreed, then rubbed his hands together, "Now, what's the goss?"

Zoe sniggered, then lowered her voice as though worried that someone else would overhear their conversation, "Joe was with Dianne that night," she told him, "As in, 'with' her".

Neil was taken aback, "What, they're dating?"

"Kind of," Zoe winced, "They can't really 'date' as such, just in case they get caught by anyone".

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