Chapter 17

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Despite Zoe and Neil's trepidation about their Couple's Choice theme during the week, they were ecstatic with how well it had all turned out. Although they hadn't scored as highly that night as they had done at Blackpool, the pair still managed to achieve an impressive result. In fact, Zoe actually felt prouder of herself for this routine; especially since it hadn't suited her as much as the previous one, and she had felt less comfortable about it during their rehearsals. She and Neil were thrilled to get through to Musicals week, made even better when they were joined by Lee and Dianne, who had just scraped through after unfortunately finding themselves in the dance-off again.

Zoe was practically on cloud nine when she sailed off to find her boyfriend after the show. However, her great mood was shattered almost immediately when she noticed Alfie's stern expression.

She was unnerved by his refusal to even hug her, "What's wrong?" Zoe asked worriedly.

"You haven't seen the articles?" Alfie questioned sternly.

Zoe shook her head, "To be honest, I've been too busy focusing on the show tonight!" she grimaced, "Why? What articles?"

Alfie took a deep breath before handing his phone to her, "I'm not accusing you of anything..." he began cautiously, "I'd just appreciate knowing the full story".

Zoe scanned the page in front of her, and immediately tensed up. Website after website she found filled with photographs of her and Neil together from the previous night, with speculation that the two of them were having an affair. Zoe shuddered at all of the references to Neil and Katya's marital problems, using it as evidence of his and Zoe's 'relationship'. The couple had already had to deal with their personal lives being brandished everywhere, and now it was happening all over again; and Zoe mentally kicked herself. What had started off as an innocent idea to take her partner's mind off things and help her brother had quickly spiralled into a scandal: the opposite of what was supposed to happen.

Zoe swore under her breath and shook her head, "I should have told you sooner".

"About going out with your dance partner, and looking all shifty?" Alfie questioned.

Zoe shook her head, "It's not what it looks like," she assured him, "And I know that's a cliché, but it's true".

Alfie shrugged, "So, what's going on?"

Zoe sighed and led him away from the rest of the cast and crew, "Joe and Dianne are in a relationship," she revealed quietly, "I found out after the Blackpool show: remember how I went to Dianne's hotel room, looking for him? And I found them together".

"Right..." Alfie murmured, "But what's that got to do with you and Neil?"

"I wanted to help Joe and Dianne go on a proper date," Zoe explained, "So, I invited Neil along to take his mind off all the press stuff; thinking that if anyone saw us, it would just look like a casual group hangout instead of a secret date".

Alfie nodded in understanding, "But it backfired, and now it looks like you and Neil are sneaking around together".

Zoe nodded sadly, "I'm sorry".

Alfie shook his head, "You don't have to apologise, you were just trying to do something nice for your brother and your dance partner," he replied as he finally drew her into the hug that she needed more than ever, "But maybe next time, don't do something that could look so incriminating!"

Zoe sniggered, but didn't feel reassured. She should have predicted that their night out would end up being misinterpreted somehow. After everything that she and Neil had been through during the series, Zoe shouldn't have been so naïve. The situation had been complicated enough already, but the young woman knew that she had just made it even worse.

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