I love you: Sunnyspeaker

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Sunny paced the library floor agitatedly, her claws making rhythmic click clack click clack sounds as her small talons scraped the stone beneath her. She was waiting for Fatespeaker. Click. Funny, beautiful Fatespeaker, who was supposed to be back hours ago. Clack.

Sunny was worried out of her mind. Click. And, just her luck, she had finally worked up the courage to tell the NightWing something very important. Clack. Only to go to the library and find her nowhere! Click. Sunny stopped pacing, remembering the Dragoness, a huge grin spread across her face.

Sunny remembered when they met for the first time, her deep purple eyes like violet pools seeping into her soul. Her bright bubbly personality. Her amazing, slightly sheepish grin.

Fatespeaker was the kindest, nicest, smartest, most beautiful dragon Sunny had ever met(apart from her friends of course), and she had to tell her that! She had to tell her . . . That she liked her. Like, liked liked her, the way Starflight had liked her.

Sunny remembered when Starflight had told her he loved her. How he wanted to be near her and it hurt when he wasn't. She hadn't the faintest what he had meant then, but she knew now. Her heart jumped whenever the small NightWing was around, her cheeks flushed, and she felt like she wanted to stay there, in that moment for the rest of her life, Fatespeakers wings draped over her. Every little thing she did, Sunny adored with all of herself. The way she tapped her two front claws together whenever she was nervous. How her eyes sparkled when she talked about something that genuinely made her happy. The feel of their wings brushing . . . Her voice like tinkling chimes in the wind . . . Her smile . . . Her, and every part of her that made her Fatespeaker, all her flaws, all her quirks, Sunny loved them all.

Fatespeaker who had betrayed her own tribe to help dragons she barely knew. Sunny was risking everything by telling her all this, all of their friendship, risking losing all of the affection of the purest soul she had ever known.

Sunny wanted her. To be with her. To hold her talons, to wrap her wings around her, and gaze into her remarkable eyes as they sat together . . . Together . . . Sunny shook her head and continued pacing. There was not a doubt in her mind; she was in love. Which was, not necessarily, the best thing.
Please want me like I want you. Sunny thought desperately.

Sunny didn't know what she would do if Fatespeaker didn't feel the same way. Then she stopped abruptly.

Talon steps other then her own.


Sunny whipped around and cam face to face with the beautiful night dragon.

Sunny forgot how to speak. She gazed into those violet pools with longing. Fatespeaker was the one who brought her back to herself.

"Sunny!" She chirped cheerfully. "Hi!"

Sunny blinked.

"Where were you?" She cried, her emotions welling out of of her.

Fatespeaker tilted her head, her eyes widening in alarm as Sunnys eyes began to tear up.

"Hey!" She said gently. "It's ok! I was just helping Tsunami give some new students a tour."

Sunny sniffed, rubbing her eyes furiously. She did not want to cry right now.

"F-Fatespeaker." She said weakly, grabbing the other dragons talons in her own. "I need to tell you something."

Fatespeaker tilted her head, the way she always did when she was curious, making the silver teardrop scales beside her eyes shimmer in the light. She squeezed her talons reassuringly, looking at Sunny expectantly. Panic flared inside the golden dragon as the task ahead of her grew closer. Was it to late to back out? Was she about to lose the one dragon she had ever loved that way?

Sunny quashed her fears. She had to to do this. Swallowing her towering fear, she took a deep breath and clutched Fatespeaker talons like a lifeline.

"I . . . I love you."

Fatespeaker remained silent, so Sunny pushed on afraid the dragon would suddenly leave.

"I love you!" She yelled. "Very very much! And-and you need to know!"

Still Fatespeaker stayed quiet, starring at the dragons talons, still locked together.

"I love you too." She whispered, so quietly Sunny almost didn't hear her.

She looked up, her beautiful eyes brimming with happiness, and she kissed her.

Sunny melted against the black dragon, breathing in her scent. Their wings curved into each other, cradling the other as if scared they would disappear.

Sunny had never been happier. She remembered those long ago days under the mountain, her life had been missing something. She'd never known it back then but she certainly knew know. This is what what missing; Fatespeaker.

Sunny and Fatespeaker pulled away from the kiss, but kept themselves wrapped around each other, their foreheads resting together.

"Well," Sunny murmured. "I wasn't expecting that."

Fatespeaker laughed. A blissful, angelic sound like a soft sleet of snow, falling and muffling the world. It definitely felt like it was muffling her brain, putting a blanked of warmth and love over all of her thoughts.

"I wasn't either." She admitted, gently tracing a claw over Sunnys jawbone.

Sunny smiled, leaning into her touch. She felt so happy. Nothing could ruin this moment. This world could end right then and the dragons wouldn't notice, to busy they were with each other.

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