•'Emotions•'-Shigeo Kageyama

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3rd Reader's POV

It's been two days since (Y/N) moved here to Seasoning city she's been living all by herself.

(Y/N) decided to visited the place where people do night marketing, she's not the type of person who loves shopping its just she wanted to observe the place more since she's new here.

(Y/N) walks beside the lake where she saw a coal black hair boy he was wearing a black uniform which shows that he's a middle schooler, he was getting beat up by two seniors. Y/N was shock to see that he's not running away, (Y/N) isn't in a mood for getting herself involve in a situation like that but still (Y/N) walks toward them.

" Oi leave that boy alone unless the both of you wanna get your ass kick " (Y/N) said with an offended voice.

" Shut up don't talk to your seniors like that, just because your a girl it doesn't mean we won't hurt you. "

" Pft pathetic " (Y/N) walk closer as she met the two, you're fist met his face as she punch him hard, then she hit the other guy in the chest where it could be diffucult for him to breath.

Both of the boys run away without saying anything. (Y/N) turned around to see if the black haired boy is still consious and gladly he is, (Y/N) walked towards him and gave him her hand.

" Are you okay? you look like you're going to tip over at any second." (Y/N) said with a concern voice.

The black haired boy stared at her with wide eyes " Y-yeah I'm fine t-thank you.. " he response and held your hand to get his balance.

" Don't talk to stragers okay? " (Y/N) warned.

"Okay, t-thank you again miss.. " He replied his voice is trembling.

(Y/N) smiled as a response and left without looking back.

" I.. I didn't get a chance to ask her name.. " Shigeo thought.


(Y/N) have finally reached her apartment, she changed into her F/C pajamas and laid down to her bed.

(Y/N's) POV

I stood up to get some books to read, I'm not really a nerdy type well.. I'm one of the smartest kid in japan so it's probably normal for me to study at night besides my mind is only active at night. While I was reading the senario that happened earlier slip into my mind, It doesn't really bother me though. I don't really like saving people from their problems but there's something in that kid that made me defend him.. He's different than I expected.

I finally stop thinking about what happened earlier.

It's already 2 AM in this time like this I'm suppose to be asleep but instead I used those hours to study, I only get a chance to sleep 6 hours this time. The school starts at 8:30 so I set my clock at 7:30 since my apartment isn't far from school.

I woke up still feeling sleeping, my mind was blank. I go to the kitchen and ate pasta for breakfast.

I took a shower and dry my hair, I changed into my dark blue and white uniform which represents as a student from salt middle school. It was already 8:15 so there's still time for me to go to school. While I was walking I noticed a familiar boy walking fast like he was in a hurry. Well he was in a hurry.

I just noticed that he was the boy from yesterday, It's not a surprise that I saw him again, he was about to walk past me until I noticed that he just tripped himself because he's shoes are untie. Luckily I grab he's arm so he won't hit himself from the ground. I waited him to get his balance.

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