'•At least we see the same sun•'-Sho suzuki

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Its already late at night and I'm still outside just roaming around since there's only a few people around here at this hour. I'm about to walk across the street, I didn't look both of my sides if there's a vehicle coming because if there is it would be pretty obvious because it has a night lights on.

I felt floor moving and turned at my right side, I got caught off guard, I froze after seeing a quick vehicle about to hit me. I didn't notice because I can barely see the lights. I can't move my body. Damn it.

Suddenly someone snatched my hand, then I got black out.

"Oi wake up!"

My body is tired. I have to go to school tomorrow, I have to meet up with the kageyama brothers.

"Oi! Can you even here me?"

Someone's moving my shoulder, It's loud and annoying.

"Hey! Wake up you dammit!"

I slowly opened my eyes to see what going on, I remember someone's yelling, I noticed that there's a kid with a tall red hair, green and white jacket with blue jeans on and he has an electric blue eyes.

I looked around to see some wild trees, Cicada noises and grass.. Where am I? Wait.. A forest?!

I quickly turned to my side to face the guy beside me

"Oh finally you're awake I thought you were gone for a second."

"Why am I on the ground? who are you? why am I here?" I said as I stood up and walk backwards.

"You were unconsious so yeah, you almost hit by a bus" The guy spoke up scraching his head.

"Almost hit by a bus?.. wait.. You're the guy who snatched me away!"

"Snatch? what a cruel word I prefer save" He let out a small smirk


"I saved your life lady you owe me one" He said with an offended voice.

"Oh.. Thank you uh umm.."

"It's shou" He smiled at me with his hands on his pockets.

"So uh Shou, can you uhhh get me out of this forest? It's cold here"

"Hm? Sure then not a big deal, follow me."

As the both of us finally leave the forest I turned around to looked at him, I gotta be honest he looks cute in that outfit.

"Hey, thank you saving me tonight."

"Okay!" He said as he gave me a big smile.

I turned around and left and was about to cross the street. Again. A loud noise coming through my left side. and ofcource Shou snatch me again.

"Hey! watch where your going, you almost got hit by a bus again. Clumsy." He yelled at me

Little do I know he was carrying me in a bridal style. I jumped off.

"H-how did you do that, I was 6 feet away from you, how did you still manage to save me?" I said with a nervous tone.

"You have alot of question, why don't you just let me walk you home? besides your safe with me"

"E-eh?? fine.." You sigh in defeat.

It doesn't really bother me letting him walk me to my appartment, I'm an asper although I rarely use it, I can defend my self if something happend to me, I can feel his aura around him, I already knew that he was an asper but I still asked him how he saved me.

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