•'You like me?'•-Reigen Arataka

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I'm at my office, I was sitting with my legs are on the table. There's really nothing to do here because all my co-workers are handling all the files.

A sudden phone call interupted and then I answered.

"Hello this is officer (L/n) what can I help you?"

"Ah! Officer I'm glad that you picked up the phone, I just wanna report you that a man just scammed me.. I really need you to come here and deal with this man." A man said on the phone.

"Sure thing sir, can you please send me the location?" I asked, finally a GPS showed in my screen. Damn it it's the same location.

"Here officer, please take care of this case." and then the client hanged up.

I got in my car and start the engine, I didn't really need to look at the GPS for the direction because I already know this place. I got out my car and took the stairs, I knocked at the door and opened it.

"Oh! Welcome to the spirit and such consultaion-- Oh" A familiar voice said.

"I'm officer (L/n), (Y/n) I need to talk to sir Arataka." I looked at the honey hair guy.

"Umm did we do something illegal?" A client ask.

"No, not at all, if you excuse me I need to talk to sir Arataka alone."

"Yeah I don't mind besides I'm about to leave." The client handed the honey hair guy a 2,500 yen.

"Thank you and come again sir!" The honey hair turned around to look at me. "So (Y/n)-Chan did you come here to visit me?" He let out a small smirk.

"What? no idiot! I came here because another client of mine complains about being scammed and I have no doubts that you're the person they've talking to." I got offended cross my arms.

"Look Reigen It's been the fourth time I've receive the same report from four different people but the same location. Come on when will you get a real job?" I looked at him as he turned around and sat on his desk.

"Well this is a job, not intended scamming people." He looked at the floor.

"Reigen you rat.." I mumble

"What was that?" He raised an eye brow

"Nothing, look I'm not mad at you and I'm not gonna arrest you either but you should stop doing this kind of things." I turned around and about to leave.

I'm about to leave but I heard him laughing behind me.

"What are you laughing at?" I turned to look at him.

He just laugh "(Y/n)-Chan I can't believe you still has this silly crush on me." He teased.

"E-eh?! W-What the hell are you talking about dumbass?" I back off and blush slightly.

"You blush" He teased again.

"Of cource I would blush after you said something like that!" I said in a offended voice.

"Oh come on (Y/n)-Chan I already know you like me since highschool, c'mon let's get dinner tomorrow." Reigen said in casual voice.

"I-I'm not available tomoroow, but if I do I would probably agreed." I held the door.

"Aww to bad, go back to work see you later!" He wink at me, more like a flirty one Lmao.

I waved as a response and went to my car and drove back to the police station. I just spend my time doing nothing here, just waiting to receive another report. I looked at the clock and it's 5:30 PM late afternoon, looks it's time to end my shift.

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