•'831'•- Ritsu Kageyama

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The Kageyama brothers and I have been friends since childhood, we're very close especially Ritsu though we're always in the same class. I've been developing feelings for him for 2 years and I find it difficult to stay friend-zone, nobody knows about my thing for Ritsu except for that stupid green blob, Dimple.

About 10 months ago I found out that Ritsu has the same ability as his older brother Shigeo..Lately I've been thinking lately that Ritsu is flawless.. I mean come to think of it, he's smart, a psychic and also hot..

|•'Present- (Y/N)'s POV'•|

"My mind is inactive.. My eyes are heavy.."

"Miss (L/n)?!"

"I suddenly heard my name it makes me feel uncomfortable.."

"Miss (L/n)!"

I got frightened by the loud voice coming across the room. My heart is pounding fast after I realize that I slept inside the class room. Again.

"Miss (L/n).. It's been the second time that you've slept in my class, It's unacceptable although you're one of the honored students here in Salt middle school." The teacher let out a small sigh.

"S-sorry sir.." I looked down at my desk.

"Hm so you don't like math, I guess this leaves me no choice but to get some help. Ritsu kageyama can you please tutor Miss (L/n) on her math lessons? It'll be a huge help." He let out a small smile as he look at Ritsu.

"Sure thing sir." Ritsu looked at me with a soft smile.

The bell finally rings.

"Okay, class is dismissed."

All of my classmates already went outside, so it's just me and him.. Ritsu..I walk towards him and sat on his desk.

"So uhh I'll be teaching you about math, that's the first." He lets out a small laugh.

"Heh yeah.. Hey can we walk home together like usual? I'm sure you're free aren't you?" I asked.

"Um No I'm not, I have a meeting in the student council it'll take an hour so it's better if you go home first." He patted my shoulder.

"B-but how about our lessons?"

"Oh don't worry, let's meet at my place around 5:30 PM." He grabbed his bag and patted my head, then he walks away.

"Why do he always does that?"

I finally went back home, I rested a bit and walks towards the wardrobe to change into my casual outfit. I grabbed my essential things and got out of my house.

It was silent.. The sun is setting down.

"Looks like someone is visiting her boyfriend." A voice suddenly appear behind my back.

I jumped and look behind my back and oh boy.. That stupid spirit..

"D-Dimple?! What the hell? are you stalking me or something? I turned to face him.

"Well no, Ritsu told me to look after you when going to their house."

"Look after me? what am I seven?" I let out a small laugh and continue walking away.

I finally spotted the kageyama brother's house. I walk towards the door and knock.

"Oh (Y/n)-Chan! Good evening." Mob greeted with a smile.

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