•'Haunted•'- Reigen Arataka

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(Y/N's POV)

It's 3:40 PM in the afternoon, I was just chilling in my couch. It was quite and peaceful just hanging out with my self until my phone starts ringing.
          Incoming call         

                   Honey hair                    
      Decline        Accept       

"What's with Reigen this time?"

I pressed the accept button and waited him to speak.

"Hey (Y/N) How are you?" Reigen said casually.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks for asking, you?" I replied.

"Well yeah I'm okay, look Mob will be having a summer vacation with his family this week which is he'll not be available." Reigen said with a nervous tone.

"Oh great for him, so what about it?"

"I kinda need your help a client just came in and he needs someone to exorcise a spirit in his place."

"Why don't yo-"

"I'll pay and give you takoyaki when we finish the task okay?"

This leaves me no choice

"Fine" I sigh in defeat.

"Great! let's meet up at the train station."


"Why did I agreed to this?"

"Oh come on (Y/N)-Chan This will be fun, besides the client is quite rich and he owns a night club" He said as the both of us step in the train.

All the sits are already occupied so that leaves us no choice but to stand up and hold the pole.

"Okay.. So where are we going exactly?" I said as the train finally moves.

"It says.." He said as he flips his mini notebook. "We're going to the client's night club, there's a spirit that's been terrorizing people over 4 months from now." He explained.

"Well what's the cause of the spirit's death? maybe we can get some information from it." I asked as I looked at him.

Reigen flips another page of his mini notebook and his expression changed.

"What is it?"

"The cause of his death is... Lemon" He said while looking down.

"What are you serious? a lemon?"

"I'm just gonna read more about the clients information." He said looking at his notebook.

There's an awkward silence between us, my palms are slipping from the pole and accidently touch Reigen's hand. I quickly look at Reigen if he noticed it but he doesn't seems to bother. The train stopped at our destination.

"Here we are, let's go" He said as he grab my wrist.

"Are we going to get a taxi or something?" I asked.

"No, the club is only few blocks away we're just gonna walk."


We finally spot the club and went Inside. Frankly It's unlike the other club, It's light and not crowded I don't even know if I can call it a night club anymore.

Reigen and I observe the club and all of the sudden I felt a hand on my waist, I flinched and I noticed that It was Reigen's.

"The hell are you doing?!" I whisper at Reigen

"Do you see that guy? he was looking at you like you're something to eat." he responded and glared at the guy who's looking at you.

"Are you.. trying to seduce me?" I looked at Reigen.

"Why is it working?"

"Yes" I said as I noticed a guy walking towards us, he was wearing a fancy white suit.

"Ah Sir Arataka thank you coming, is this your assistant?" A guy asked Reigen.

"Yes she is, (Y/N) This is the client".

"Hello" I said and let out a small smile.

"So where's the spirit?" Reigen asked.

"It's--" The client got interupted by the ground which is trembling.

"An earthquake?"

"No, It's the spirit!" The client said running towards the round table and hid.

I turned to my right side and there's a pole about to hit us.

"Reigen get down!" I said as pull him down to my side.

"Hide behind me so you won't get hurt." I stood up looking down at Reigen.

I finally spoted the spirit, It was about to attack us. I raised my right hand and waited to touch the spirit's head. Later I finally exorcise the spirit.

I turned around to look at Reigen but I notice the client running towards us with a bag.

"Thank you miss (Y/N)" The client thanked me as he handed me the bag that he's been carrying.


"This is will be the payment, it's worth 4 million yen." The client said as me and Reigen's jaw dropped.

"And for.." The client turned to face Reigen and handed him a.. Lemon?

"Here's yours Sir Arataka."

"Thank you.." Reigen smiled annoyingly.


Me and Reigen finally leave the club and went to a takoyaki restaurant which he promised. While Reigen was eating his food I spilt the money into half that the client gave me as payment. I gave Reigen the half of the money.

"(Y/N)-Chan.. what are you doing, this is yours." Reigen said as he looked at me in confuse.

"I insist, here just take it besides I felt bad having this all by my self." I looked at Reigen and our eyes met.

"Thank you (Y/N)-Chan-" Reigen pats my head and leans closer to and kisses my forehead.

"For being my friend."

Thank you for reading (Y/N)


I'm sorry if this one is too short I'm running out of ideas for Reigen but i'll try my best next time :') ♡

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