•'Wholesome'•- Reigen x Ritsu x Mob x Teru x Reader

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'•_ This is a Reigen x Ritsu x Mob x Teru x Reader have fun reading_•'

•' 3rd POV •'

_'• Reigen's office •'_

"That one is 831" Reigen pointed at the paper that's (Y/n) is answering. "No it's not" (Y/n) Looked at looked at Reigen and raise a brow. "I'm just testing you."

(Y/n) puts her hand on her head "I thought you were suppose to help me in my homework?"

"Well I am helping" Reigen let out a small grin. He noticed that (Y/n) doesn't looks so pleasant at his joke.

"You hungry? Do you wanna have some lunch? Teriyaki rather." Reigen asked to distract (Y/n). "I thought you said 'Teru' for a second." She let out a soft laugh.

Reigen stood up and put his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder "Okay enough of that it makes me uncomfortable, I'll treat you lunch." He said as the both of them went outside for lunch.

Meanwhile as Reigen and (Y/n) ate their Ramen, Of course Dimple followed them.

"Hey Reigen" Dimple spoke at Reigen's left ear making him flinch for not knowing he followed him. Reigen choked a bit before speaking "What is it?" Reigen whispered.

Dimple Pointed at (Y/n)'s cheek showing that she had a tiny piece of ramen. "Yeah I see that you can disappear now" Reigen looked at Dimple waiting him to vanish.

"Hey (Y/n)." Reigen spoked. "Hm? what is it?" (Y/n) asked as she had her attention towards Reigen.

Reigen pointed at his cheek meaning that (Y/n) has some ramen left on her cheek.

"What is he doing?" (Y/n) thought making her a bit confuse.  Reigen continued pointing at his cheek.

"Maybe he want some kiss perhaps? I mean he treated me lunch so I guess that makes sense."

(Y/n) leaned over to Reigen as her lips met Reigen's cheek.

"Eh?!" Reigen quickly leaned backwards after (Y/n) pecked his cheek.

"Oh sorry aren't you trying to say that?" (Y/n) waved her hands low. "Say what?" Reigen let out a slight blush thinking that he got himself kissed by a teenage girl.

(Y/n) pointed her cheek "This, aren't you trying to tell me to kiss you?"

"I-idiot I was trying to say that you have a little piece of ramen on your cheeks, which is already gone."

(Y/n) blushed after embarrassing herself "Oh crap, he'll change his point of view towards me."

~ After ~

"Hey Reigen-San" (Y/n) said trying to get Reigen's attention. Reigen turned to looked at her. "The sun is setting down so uhm.. If you don't mind me going back to my appartment." (Y/n) excuses.

"Oh sure, go ahead besides you have school tomorrow, you should probably get some rest, just don't forget to visit me tomorrow." Reigen smiled at her.

"Thank you for understanding!"

Reigen and (Y/n) waved to each other as Reigen continues walking.

(Y/n) hold the both of her arms as she was hugging herself "It's getting quite chilly here."

"Cold?" A jacket wrapped around (Y/n)'s back while a sudden familiar voice appeared behind (Y/n).

(Y/n) turned around "H-Hanazawa-kun!" (Y/n) blushed in embarrassment.

"Good (late) afternoon (Y/n)-Chan" Teru greeted as he put his other hand on his pockets.

"Uh good afternoon, T-teru you don't have to lend me your jacket, it's quite embarrassing.." (Y/n) took off the jacket and handed it to Teru.

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