A Broken Home

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  • Dedicated to Santa Claus

I looked over at Niall. He was sitting on the couch, staring at the black TV. He was twisting his blue bracelet anxiously. In his other hand he was gripping her necklace. He had been sitting there for hours.

"Ni?" Harry tapped his shoulder. Niall didn't respond to Harry's touch.

"Hey buddy, do you want something to eat?" Harry asked softly, moving in front of Niall's body. I watched as the youngest boy tried to talk to the blonde boy.

“Niall, you need to eat. You’re so thin. Please talk to me. At least say a word or eat something. Please,” Harry pleaded.

I watched uneasily, knowing what was going to happen next.

"We all miss her, Ni. A lot. But we need you back. I miss you. I miss your laugh and your smile. I don't want two people to be gone," Harry said, tearing up.

Niall didn't even respond as Harry grabbed his hands.

"I want my best friend back, Nialler. Please snap out of this!" Tears were running down Harry's face.

I stood up and went over to Harry. I held his shoulders and said, "Harry, it's no use,"

Harry looked down and stood up, retching free of my grasp. He ran to his room, slamming the door behind him.

That's all that's been happening around here. Someone tries to talk to Niall, they are unsuccessful, and run off, slamming doors behind them.

Sighing, I sat down next to Niall, who didn't even look at me.

"Ni, I know Chelsea meant everything to you and you loved her a lot, but it's been a month. You've just sat here. Even when you go to your room you just sit there and stare at the wall. Do you see what you're doing to everyone? Especially Harry. Zayn and I are worried sick about you. I don't even know how you're alive. You won't take any food from us. We all miss you, Niall. You're hurting all of us. Why won't you let us help you?"

Niall was silent. I started to get aggravated.

"Chelsea is gone! Okay? Gone! She is not coming back and you need to accept that!" I yelled at him.

His face started to turn red.

"Just because you got your heart broken doesn't mean you can wallow around and make everyone miserable, Niall!" I screamed at him.

Zayn rushed in.

"Liam, calm down man." He put his hand on my shoulder.

"No, Zayn! He needs to hear this!" I yelled at Zayn, then turned back to Niall, "You're not the only one who lost her! I MISS HER TOO! Stop acting like you're the only one affected!"

A tear ran down Niall's cheek. "Niall..." I said, breathing heavily. "Come on, Liam. You need to go to your room for a bit." Zayn started pulling me away from Niall. Niall was silently crying. "Niall, I'm so sorry," I said before Zayn dragged me into my room, "I didn't mean it."


The flat was divided. The Louis half and the Niall half. Louis’ half consisted of the media room, his bedroom, Harry’s bedroom, and a bathroom. Niall’s consisted of his bedroom, a bathroom, living room, my bedroom, and Zayn’s bedroom. The imaginary line that Harry had drawn cut right outside the kitchen and Chelsea’s room, which were declared no man’s land.

Niall didn’t think much of this line as he just sat on the couch in the living room all day and slept in his room at night. Louis was constantly stomping around, a scowl on his face. Harry would try to talk to Louis and Niall, but each time, Harry ran to his room, door slamming again. I was sick and tired of this place.

Louis was bitter, Niall was lifeless, Zayn was trying to stay calm, Harry was crying, and I wanted to rip my hair out. All because Chelsea had to leave. Personally, I blamed Louis, even though I would never admit it. But it was also partially Niall’s fault for yelling at her and not letting her explain. Then it was also mine and Harry’s faults because we decided to stay out of the fight, leaving Chelsea all alone. It was all of our faults. Except for Zayn.

He was the only one who had befriended her. He was the one she spent her last week with. The last one she spoke to. The last one she spoke to wasn’t me. I should have been.

God, I missed my best friend. The one I could talk to about anything. The girl who could always make me smile. I was the only person she could vent to. Who she could cry to. I missed her so much.

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck, knowing that there was nothing any of us could do about it. Nothing that could bring her back. She had been really hurt and she left, knowing that it was better that way for her. It was better for her, but not better for us.

We had taken that girl for granted. We thought we could just let her be and she would eventually be fine. That everything would blow over. No, it’s much much worse than we thought. I sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands. I felt a vibration in my pocket and ignored it. Probably Danielle. I sighed, I could get back to her later. There were more important things going on right now...


“Knock, knock,” I said as I knocked on Louis’ door.

“What do you want?” Louis groaned.

“I just want to talk,” I said.

“Fine, come in,” I opened the door to see Louis laying on his bed, a scrapbook open in his hands. He was clutching the book, his knuckles turning white. “Hello,” Louis said with a hint of annoyance. I sat down on the edge of the bed.

“Hi, Louis,” I said. “What do you want to talk about?” He shut the book. “Well, uhm, the whole situation,” “Well, what about it?” He said.

“Louis, you and Niall need to make up. The poor lad isn’t eating, he won’t speak to anyone, he just sits around. Zayn, Harry, and I are sick of living in this flat. It’s like a war zone,”

“Why should I apologize to him?! We’re both at fault here! Both of our faults she’s gone! I know I shouldn’t have kissed her, but he was the one who screamed at her and wouldn’t let her explain. It was all me, but he wouldn’t let her explain. He has no right to be all upset that she’s gone! It’s his fault!” Louis said, sitting up.

“Louis, why don’t you go tell that to Niall, then? Instead of sitting in here all day?” I said.

Louis didn’t hear me; he was getting worked up now.

“Why does he say it’s my fault? Because I had feelings for her? Feelings I couldn’t control!?!” His voice got louder, then changed to a whisper, “I wish that I hadn’t loved her. I really did.”

“I know you did, Lou,” I rubbed his back. “

I just want all of this to be over. I want us to all be best friends again,” He rested his head on my shoulder.

“Me too,” I whispered. I looked down to see tears leaving the Doncaster boy’s eyes. “I’ll talk to him,” Louis said. He had heard me. I nodded and we sat there in silence as Louis let a few more tears fall.

He got up and asked, “Where is he?” “Couch,” I said. “Alright, wish me luck,” Louis said then left the room.

So I always feel so awful because I always forget about this story... I love this story and it was my frist 1D fanfiction, so it has a special place in my heart. People don't seem to read this story anymore... There was once a time when this story was more popular than Torn. But look now. 110,000 to 19,000? I just...I don't know...I haven't been an avid writer of this story, but I'm starting to fall back in love with it.

Please start reading again? I miss you guys.


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