I Turn To You

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I took a deep breath. I knocked on the door. It opened to reveal Louis. He looked shocked to see me. “Hey,” I said. “Hi,” He said. We stood there for a minute. “So what’s up?” He said, breaking the ice. “Uh, nothing really.” I said.

“Come on in,” He gestured to the room and we went in. I sat down on his bed, looking at my thumbs. “So I’m guessing that you know why I’m here,” “Yeah...” “Care to explain?” I looked him in the eye. He took a deep breath. “If you were in love with your best friend, would you be able to bear to see them with someone else?” “Uhm, I don’t know...” “What if the person they were with was one of your best friends?” “I guess that would be heart-breaking.” “Well, love makes you do crazy things sometimes.” I nodded.

“I was so heart-broken about you and Niall. I thought that it was best if I just sulked about it. So I did for a few weeks. That didn’t make the situation any better. So I sulked until we had our fight. During our time apart, I realized that you were genuinely happy when you were with Niall. Then we made up and we started to go back to the way we were before. I thought I would be happy if you were happy. I wasn’t though. Watching you hug him and not me ripped my heart to shreds. I cried every night. That’s when I did something incredibly stupid; I tried to sabotage your and Niall’s date. I don’t know what I was thinking. I was making you upset instead of supporting you like a true friend.It’s just that I couldn’t stand watching you two together.” He looked down.

He actually had done it. It stung. Anger boiled up inside me.

“Louis,” I sighed. “I’m so sorry, Chelsea. I was only thinking about myself. I’m an awful best friend. I should have moved on and let you be happy. I completely understand if you don’t want to be friends anymore. I would hate me too,”

“I just can’t believe you did that! I thought you were happy if I was happy!” I was starting to lose my temper. He put his head in his hands, “I’m sorry,” Then I heard sobs. I felt bad. Why do I feel bad for him? He’s the one who hurt me! “Louis, I’m really hurt and angry about what you did, but I don’t want to lose my best friend. It will take me awhile to forgive you, but I will eventually. We all make mistakes,” I said, trying to sound calm when I was actually furious. He nodded and looked me in the eye.

“Chelsea, I am so sorry. I hope that you will forgive me someday,” I stood up. “I hope I will. Give me time to work this out, okay?” He nodded. I felt so tired. I wanted to just yell at him until he realized how much this hurt. I just can’t do that to him. He was truly sorry, but that didn’t give him an excuse to get away with this. “So I guess we’re done here,” I said, backing toward the door. Louis nodded. I gave him a little awkward wave and left.

Once the door was closed safely behind me, I let out a yell. I had to get the anger out. Niall rushed into the hallway. “Chelsea?!?” He panted. I stopped yelling. “Are you okay?” I shook my head and walked into the room, flopping onto my bed. I stuffed my face into a pillow and screamed.I hit my fists against the pillow and mattress. Tears spilled out of my eyes. My face got hot and must have been incredibly red.I squeezed my eyes shut and beat the bed.

After a few minutes, I start to lose my energy and I just laid there. “Chelsea,” Niall whispered. He sat down and the bed dipped from his weight. I turned my head on its side to look at him. “What happened?” He wiped under my eyes with his thumb. “He told me everything. He was only thinking of himself. It hurts so much, Niall,” I cried, sitting up. He opened his arms and I threw mine around him.

He buried his head into my neck, something that was so soothing. His shirt was damp from my tears. “I’m sorry. I was such a jerk this morning. I was too hard on you,” He muttered. “You were just trying to protect me from this,” I said, pulling my head away to wipe my eyes. “I love you so much, Chelsea,” He nuzzled his head into my neck. “I love you too,” I hugged him tighter.


“AHHHHHH!” Someone yelled in my ear. I jolted awake, almost falling out of my bed. Harry stood there with a smug look on his face. “Harry!” Niall said from his place next to me. His arms were still around my waist. He pulled his arms away and sat up. “Morning, lovebirds,” He smirked. “It’s on, Styles,” I gritted my teeth. “It’s on like Donkey Kong,” Harry said. I tried to maintain my glare, but I burst out laughing.

“That’s Liam’s line!” I laughed. Harry and Niall laughed too. “So I guess I’ll be getting sabotaged later. Onto more important things, time to get up. Big interview today,” Harry said. “Alright,” Niall got out of bed. I got up and stretched. “I need food!” Niall said. “No time. We’ll get some on the way. Hurry up. Paul said we’re leaving in ten,” “Harry! You could have mentioned that earlier!” I said. “But then it’s no fun,” He smirked. I smacked his head and ran into the bathroom with a bundle of clothes.

I changed into red TOMS sweatshirt and skinny jeans. I put on a pair of black vans and pulled my black hair up in a pony tail. I put on makeup super fast and brushed my teeth. I grabbed some Ray Bans because it was supposed to be sunny. I came back into the suite to find Niall zipping up his hoodie.

“Let’s go!” Harry smacked my bum and ran out the door in front of us. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Niall’s hand. “You feeling alright?” He whispered in my ear as we waited for the elevator. I nodded. I had just remembered what happened last night; Crying about Louis and falling asleep in Niall’s arms. I squeezed his hand and smiled at him. Smiling always seemed to make me feel better. We got down to the lobby and I could hear the screams of fans. I put on my sunglasses and gripped Niall’s hand.

Paul ushered us to the car quickly, but not before I could hear girls screaming at me. “CHELSEA YOU SUCK!” “NIALL’S MINE!” “GO AWAY! YOU’RE UGLY!” I scoffed. Who cares what they think? I sat next to Niall, who was busy figuring out where we were getting food. I went on Twitter on my phone. Harry had set it up, but I barely used it. It’s kind of ridiculous. “I just love my haters!” I tweeted sarcastically. Within seconds, there were hundreds of retweets. I had two million followers now and I have only tweeted a few times! The power of social networks. Niall’s phone beeped and he looked at it.

“I see someone is using their Twitter,” He smiled. “This is a rare occurrence,” I said. He leaned over, “Don’t listen to those girls. You’re beautiful,” He whispered in my ear. I giggled as he kissed my cheeks. “WHOA! Watch the PDA!” Harry said, pushing Niall away from me. I laughed as Niall smacked Harry on the head.


“Time for the most frequently asked question: Who’s single and who’s taken?” The interviewer asked in his thick French accent. “I’m taken,” Liam said. Niall sat there for a second then said, “I also have a girlfriend,” “Oh yes! Chelsea Carter, right? We have a few pictures right here,” He gestured to the screen. Niall looked puzzled. Pictures came up of us on the roof on Valentine’s Day and walking through the crowd, hand in hand. There was another of us kissing on the roof as well. “That’s her,” Niall smiled.

“She’s a very beautiful and lucky girl.” The man said. They continued the interview as I checked out the tweets. Nelsea was already trending. Wow, that was fast. I sipped my water from backstage, yawning. Paul and I decided to play cards. I had beaten him at war twice when it was time to go. Niall hugged me as they came backstage and kissed me on the lips. “Hey, princess,” He smiled. “Hi,” I smiled. He put his arm around my waist as we left the studio.


Da da da da da! I'm lovin this!! hahah see what I did there? So Stole My Heart is baaaaack! I'm extremely happy to write this story again! It's been since like May 23rd or something? Like forever ago!! Niall and Chelsea now have a couple name! Yay! So what is Louis thinking?? Hmmm.. You'll find out soon!! :D

 So I have a HUGE favor to ask. My other fanfic, "Torn," is in the @1DWattyAwards and it would mean the world to me if you vote for me in the "Undiscovered Gem Harry," category! 

Hope you like it! Hopefully, I'll have another chapter up in a few days!

Love you guys!!


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