The order of the Phoenix

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For this story unfortunately I am going to have to age regulus Black (Sirius' younger brother) so that he is older making him the same age as the characters mum (chas) which is 5 years older than Sirius. I really hate changing thing but It'll make more sense.

"My what?" "Your father" y/n was in shock his mother had never talked much about him let alone let him meet him. That night y/n thought about his father and what he might look like and be like. Once he Awoke the next day he quickly got dressed and brushed his teeth and ran down stairs. Shortly after his mum and brothers Were ready to. They all grabbed there brooms and sped off into the distance.

It wasn't that long before they were at a square of houses and In between number 11 and 13 stood Albus Dumbledore. "Mum, Professor Dumbledore isn't our dad is he?" Chas chuckled "no, definitely not." They approach dumbledore "Ah, the Rosiers come in" y/n had not noticed that behind his head master was a door reading 12. They walked in to a dark corner which Lead to what y/n presumed was a kitchen. There sat everyone from St mungos including a dark haired wizard y/n recognised as Sirius Black. "Mum what are we doing here?" Asked y/n "we could ask you the same thing?" Said potter in a rather rude way. "Now, now Harry they are my guests" came the chilling voice of Black "no...mum!... he's not..."

"No y/n, Sirius black is not you father" y/n was a little disappointed having a mass murdering Escape convicts as a dad would have been cool. "I'm sorry y/n your not going to meet your father" "what, why? You Said I would." "Because I knew you would never come if you knew they were here" she said pointing at the golden trio. "Why don't we go in to the other room and have a chat about why your here, y/n" said Black.

Black, the Rosiers and Dumbledore all went into a room with a giant tapestry of the black family. Chas then spoke to Aaron and Brandon "although your dad isn't Sirius, he was his brother Regulus" "was?" Asked Brandon "yes unfortunately my brother sadly passed away in 1979" this brought sadness to the three boys who would never meet there dad. "Boys I've raised you to be good people and I think I've succeeded, regulus would have been proud of you. Unfortunately y/n regulus isn't your father." This shocked y/n since he always believed that Aaron and Brandon were his full brothers "y/n the way you were conceived was a little different and darker. When I was young I was stupid, I did thing that I'm not proud of. I was part of a gang of slytherin, there was me, regulus, Lucius and narcissa Malfoy, my younger brother Evan, Severus snape and many more, we all got involved with bad people, me and narcissa not as much as the boys but still... once we were all involved there was no getting out, some tried but were killed. Once I had Aaron and Brandon me and regulus were going to get married but first we had to get out, when the leader found out he punished me in front of regulus."(you get the picture) tears were running down chas' face but she continued "next thing I know is that I'm pregnant and don't know who the father is. Regulus got lost in his work to get revenge but died trying. Once I had you I knew you were not regulus' you were different, special. I finally was free and I joined the order, Sirius here helped me to raise you three until he was locked up in Azkaban after being framed for murder."

After she was done y/n only felt hatred for this man, who ever he is for what he did to y/n mum. He only had one question for his mother "what's his name?" Chas under stood straight away what he meant but hesitated as if she was scared to say it "his name is Tom Riddle, but more commonly known as Lord Voldemort" that name sent shivers down his body finally Dumbledore piped into the conversation "y/n, have you ever talked to a snake?" "What,no I hate then and anyway that would make me a parcelmouth" "just like Tom, I think the reason for your phobia towards snakes is your mothers Genetics fighting your fathers, it's why you are more human than your father."The news that he was the son of the most feared dark wizard was a bit of a shocker and what would people say when they found out, he was already a flipping vampire. This year keeps on getting worse and worse.

"Why are you telling me this" asked y/n "you could have just told me I was regulus' son to" "I didn't want to lie, and anyway were going to need your help." Once again Dumbledore spoke "y/n, as the only child of Voldemort, you are going to have to be a Double agent for the order of the Phoenix, we already have Intel that Draco Malfoy, crabbe and Goyle Have all been recruited by the dark Lord we want you to join the death eaters, Voldemort will trust you when he finds out that you are at his son and we already have someone on the inside that can look after you. I know this is a big ask but it's for the greater good." What dumbledore was asking was huge it was dangerous but y/n wanted revenge.      "Y/n, even though Voldemort is you Biological father to me Regulus will always be your true dad" y/n had made up his mind he was going to do everything in his power to Destroy Lord Voldemort even if it killed him.

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