The Ten Azkaban escapees

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The Christmas holidays were over and they were not to y/n's satisfaction, that might be because y/n found out he's the fricking son of Lord Voldemort. Y/n also had to somehow worm his way into the Death Eaters there was only one way that might work, his friends. All of the slytherin 5th years sat in their compartment discussing O.W.L.S. "We're already on our second term the exams are getting closer" Theo said "no need to panic Theo, you'll be fine" Said Blaise.

After dinner the slytherin headed towards there common room but before y/n could reach the entrance he heard his name being call "you go ahead" he said to his friends who obeyed, y/n turned to see Hermione Granger running at him "hi" he said "hi" she panted they stared into each other eyes for a few seconds before y/n snapped out of it "you chased after me because?" He asked "oh, yes we didn't get the chance to talk when you were at Grimmauld Place, I didn't expect you to be there" "why because I'm a slytherin and all slytherin are evil" y/n snapped "no,no just that I didn't know your mum was in the order" "sorry I didn't mean to snap, and we weren't there because of the order it was to see my uncle Sirius" y/n lied "Sirius Black is your Uncle I didn't know Sirius had a sister" "he doesn't, my Dad was his Brother" y/n lied again "Oh, you don't talk much about your dad" "yeah well he died before I got to know him." "I'm sorry, anyway I better go before Filch Catches me and report's me to Umbridge" they said there good byes and and went to there common rooms.

The next day at breakfast the slytherin were all chatting when the owls came in, a brown owl swooped down and dropped the daily prophet, y/n payed him four knuts and it swooped off again. Y/n untied the newspaper and started to read, on the front page the title read 'MASS BREAKOUT FROM AZKABAN' y/n read on "We have confirmed that 10 high security prisoners, In the early hours of yesterday evening, did escape. And of course the muggle Prime Minister has been alerted to the danger. We strongly suspect that the breakout was engineered by a man with personal experience in the escaping from Azkaban; Notorious mass murderer Sirius black, Cousin to the escapee Bellatrix Lestrange." Y/n nudged Draco "have you seen this?" Y/n asked Draco turned to look at the paper but turned suddenly, pale as a ghost. Y/n started to put things together "if Sirius and bellatrix Lestrange are cousins that means she was my dads cousin to. If y/n was going to get into the death eaters this Bellatrix lady might be the way in." Y/n thought to himself. Y/n grabbed a bit of parchment and started scribbling a letter to Sirius "Dear Snuffles," Sirius had told him to call him that in letters "I am writing to you to gather information for my task you have given me, I wish to know everything about your cousin who is getting attention from the ministry. Yours sincerely your youngest nephew"

Around a week later y/n finally got a reply but it wasn't what he was expecting "meet me in the slytherin common room on 22nd January at midnight make sure it is completely empty" how on earth was he going to get into the common y/n thought.

On the 22nd y/n sat by the fire waiting for Sirius to walk thorough the door or Apparate right in front of him but that was highly unlikely since you could not apparate into the hogwarts grounds. Y/n sat there for another couple of minutes then suddenly y/n saw something move in the fire he got up and moved closer, it was Sirius, well Sirius' head. "Sirius?" Y/n question "yes, yes it's me we don't have much time, you wanted to know about my cousin, Bellatrix." Y/n was still baffled by what he was talking to. "Well all I can say is stay away from her she is one of Voldemort's loyalists Death Eaters and she is completely insane is you want to use someone to get to Voldemort better be my other cousin bellatrix's sister narcissa" that name rang a bell to y/n "narcissa Malfoy, Dracos mum?" "Yes, Narcissa herself isn't a proper Death Eater but her husband Lucius is" "I asked Draco on the train at the beginning of the school year if his dad was a Death Eater and he said no, I can't believe he lied, and last week when I showed him the article about the Death Eaters he became very shifty and uncomfortable, it's because his aunt was on the frount page." "Draco may have lied because he is Embarrassed" Sirius Said "maybe but he hated Potter and Dumbledore so I can see him Joining the Death Eaters." "Y/n I better go before I'm caught" and suddenly Sirius was gone leaving y/n stood there looking at the flames.
I'm very sorry this chapter took so long, for the past two weeks I've been on holiday down by Weymouth so haven't had loads of time and the internet connection was awful. I really enjoy writing these stories the one thing that I would like to change is calling the character y/n I would love to give him a name so if you have any suggestions I would love to hear them. I have a few suggestions myself, when I started this story I always pictured him having a name like Liam or something common but then we are talking about Harry Potter and not many people have normal names so if you can come up with a cool Wizarding name that I thing will suit the character I will give all the credit of the name to you. You can email me at and put your name or username at the bottom if you wish to be Anonymous that's fine just say that, I will not use you email address just the name or username you give me.

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