The worst Valentine's Day ever

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This series I'm hoping will do another 2 or three books, 6th year, 7th year and 7th year re-do possibly. I don't really have set day that I post so sometimes there will be a two day gap of chapters some times there will be two week gap, I'm sorry about that, but now that most people are going back to school I might not post as much, I'll try to do my best but school might take a lot of that time up.
Everyone had been back a hogwarts around a month now and everything was settling down, nothing big was really happening, except for most people the worst day of the year Valentine's Day. Y/n never really had any reason to think about the 14th of February other than another day of the week, but now that a certain brunette was stuck on his mind all he could think about was that day. He had decided that he was going to get all the courage he could muster and ask Hermione on a date, since he wasn't in Gryffindor courage wasn't his strong point.

It was the 8th February a week from Valentine's Day and a Saturday so not classes. Y/n walked along the slytherin table and sat down, as the scoffed down his breakfast he ran Scenarios through his head of what could happen his favourite was one were he glided over to her and asked "Hermione Granger will you be my Valentine?" Hermione leaped up and started to snog him, unfortunately for Y/n he was Interrupted by Theo pointing out that he was Drooling. The rest of the scenarios were of him being rejected and humiliated.

Y/n strolled towards the library, he hoped that Hermione was sat there reading one of her books since recently she hadn't be visiting the library as much. He walked through the door and there in front of him was the angel herself Hermione Jean Granger, he was so distracted by her he Accidentally bumped into a pile of books that seemed to make ten times the noice it normally would have. The noice caught the attention of many of the students including Hermione, she smiled when she saw him. "Hi" was all he could say "hi" she said back, Y/n tried to act cool "so I was wondering if you wanted to get a butterbeer one day maybe next Saturday?" Hermione giggled a little "you mean on Valentine's Day?" "Wait that's next Saturday?" Hermione could obviously see through his bad acting but played along with it "oh it's an honest mistake we can always do another day, you don't want your friends thinking that we're on a date." He tried to think up a reply "you see I'm rather busy all next week and the 14th is the only day I'm free so..." "how about the week after that" "busy, I don't know when I'll be free for weeks" This made Hermione chuckle "wow it's like fate wants us to go on a date on Valentine's Day" Y/n was starting to turn red "you don't have to if you have something going on with potter or Weasley I'll understand" "what no I'm free, butterbeer next Saturday I'll be there, that's actually really convenient since I have to meet Harry there anyway" "oh, to timing I see" "oh no, no Definitely not" Y/n wished he hadn't said that because after that things went a little Awkward between them finally Hermione spoke up "well I best be going see you around Y/n, can't wait for our (cough) Butterbeer next week" she then left leaving Y/n smiling like a right weirdo. He never thought she would say yes, but did she thing it was just a butterbeer between friends, anyway y/n Rosier had a date with Hermione Granger the Brightest witch of her age and he couldn't be mor pleased.

The next week couldn't have gone any slower it felt like a month, but the day had finally arrived 14th of February a.k.a Valentine's Day. Y/n and Hermione had previously spoken during the week about meeting up they had decided to meet at the three broomsticks at noon not to Attract any unwanted gossip, they had also decided to to tell any of there friends since Potter and Weasley would have a temper tantrum if they knew.

 Y/n and Hermione had previously spoken during the week about meeting up they had decided to meet at the three broomsticks at noon not to Attract any unwanted gossip, they had also decided to to tell any of there friends since Potter and Weasley w...

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(This is what he's wearing couldn't be bothered to describe it, I just looked up 90s clothes and this came up)

Y/n grabbed a stash of sickles and galleons and made his way into hogsmeade he had around half an hour to kill before meeting Hermione so he decided to go to honydukes and get so sweets. After that he went to zonkos joke shop he alway planed to prank Draco and the others. As he walked in there was a new display of items with a sign saying:

Muggle jokes and pranks
Give them a try there not that bad for non magic

Y/n decided to have a look at the muggle items they couldn't be that bad. There was only a few, things like fart spray or plastic bugs things little kids would enjoy, in the end he decided to buy something called a Whoopi cushion.

His last stop was spintwitches sporting needs, Y/n loved Quidditch so much that he didn't realise what time it was. At last he left the shop with a new pair of gloves and checked the time it was 12:15 he was late he ran as fast as he could until he got to the three broomsticks he rushed in almost taking Professor Flitwick out in the proses, he spotted Hermione in the corner with a butterbeer in he hand, when she saw Y/n she did not look happy. "You ask me on a date on Valentine's Day and you don't even had the Decency to arrive on time, I've been sat here for half an hour waiting for you" "half an hour I'm only 15 minutes late" this just made her even mor angry "does it matter unlike you I like to be on time so I arrived Early, now by the looks of things you would rather shop for gloves then be here with me, so I'll just go" she got up from the table and stormed to the door and slammed it on her way out. Y/n sat down and was just about to bang his head on the table when the door flew open and in came Hermione for a split second he thought she was going to give him a second chance but no. "I'm meeting someone here so... your gonna have to leave" normally he would have protested but he knew he was in the wrong and he best leave before she slapped him like she did to Draco in 3rd year.

He packed up his stuff and walked to the door what he didn't see was a tear escape Hermione's eye, once he was outside he walked down the road reflecting on the giant mistake he had made, he then saw Harry storming out of madam Puddifoots tea shop which he knew was the local place couples go to and by the look on Harry's face Y/n wasn't the only one to have a bad date.

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