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Everyone I am so sorry this has taken so long, I have had so much school work to do and I'm still behind.
It was the first Monday back from the Easter holidays, not much has happened since Dumbledore was overthrown by Umbridge just that a new group had been made they were called inquisitorial squad and it was only made up of slytherins. Y/n was one of them. Later in the day Y/n was called in to Professor Snape's office.
"Mr Rosier Please take a seat, I assume you know why you have been summoned to my office"
"ur, No Professor I do not"
"Well Mr rosier you have been called here today to talk about your future career, do you have any idea on what you would like your future job to be?" Y/n hadn't thought much about what Career he would Pursue after Hogwarts.
"Well I guess it would be cool to be a professional Quidditch player"
"Mr Rosier Please take this seriously, do you guess you want to be a professional quidditch player or do you want to be a professional Quidditch player"
"I want to be a quidditch player"
" good, now what Quidditch team would you like to play for?"
"Duh, Puddlemere United the best Quidditch team ever."
"Normally I would advise my student to pick a more... responsible career rather then playing games, but Y/n you are by far the best Quidditch player I have seen in a while so I say go for it, make your dreams come true.

That was the first time Snape had been genuinely kind to Y/n and it made him very happy, not many people get told that they are good enough from snape, not even Hermione. Although the talk with Professor Snape had boosted his confidence Y/n was still freaking out about the exams.

"Mate, trust me you'll do great." Said Draco
"But what if I don't, you know how I get with tests, I couldn't even do that quiz thing last week without sweating like a man on the sun."
"If anyone has to worry about the O.W.Ls it's Crabbe and Goyle, those two put together can't out smart you" said Blaise.
"I guess your all right."

The day of the first exam had come and it was charms first. The written was in the morning and practical in the afternoon. Y/n did pretty decent in charms he knew all the spells and how to use them, so he did well. He quite surprised him self with Transfiguration the next day, he also did very well. Same with Herbology and DADA. With potions and COMC it was a no brainier that he would get top marks. What Y/n wasn't looking forward to was astronomy, history of magic and divination, which he didn't completely fail but wasn't his best. Overall he did pretty well. He now just has to wait for the results.
I'm so sorry this is so short, I didn't want you to wait any longer. I'll try to write more soon :)

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