Castiel's Arrival

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Hey here's another chapter and yeah castiel finally appears!! XO XP! yeah i've been preparing this chapter so hope ya enjoy!


Willow's pov

Dean and i dozed off, but before i fell asleep i saw Sam walk out the door doing who knows what.

<><><><>< Dream><>><><><><>

I was strapped down... I looked around and saw i was back. Back into the pit.

My eyes caught sight of the demon that was torturing me. Who makes my skin sizzle every second, and enjoys my shrieks of pain.

I'm torn, shredded, and carved apart everyday. They tear off everything from my body until there is nothing left. Just as you think it's over...that it's finally done, you regenerate. Your put back together to endure the pain all over again.

He smiled sadistically while scrapping my flesh clean off my bones with his favorite knife. My screams echo where no one can hear them, except for the dead ones in hell.

He tortures to gain an apprentice. To see if one of us will be his successer. At every end of the day he comes and gives me an offer. And everyday I give him the same answer.

"Come on Wil, do you really want to go through this everyday? You could be off the rack if you just say a simple word."

"I'll die first. And that's not my name." I shrieked, blood pouring down my arm as he carved into it.

"My dear, your already dead." He put the knife down only to push his favorite knife into the cut on my arm.

"You wouldn't have to endure this pain anymore, Willow. Just say the magic word and I'll stop." A horrible smile played on his face. He shoved the knife into my bare stomach, twisting until you could hear the gushing. A scream escaped my lips, balling my fists as blood seeped out of the cracks of my fingers. My nails dug into my palms, there was nothing i could do except feel pain.

"Can't you just take no for an answer, ass-hat?" He plunged another knife into my thigh, sinking it deep. The two daggers pinned me to the strapped table. A scream made it's way out into the dark and corrupted air.

"Wrong answer, my dear. Here let me show you my new apprentice, I'm sure his face will lighten you up."

A figure made it's way to my view. My eye's widened, seeing the person i knew was stronger than me, that would withstand this place far better then i could.

"I'm sorry."

<><><><><End Dream><><><><>

I woke up with a jolt as the familiar sound of static entered my ears. Sweat beaded down the side of my temple. I glance at Dean who barely comes to.

He rubs his eyes and grabs his shotgun. I quickly stand up and get mine also.

"Dean, it's here isn't it?" We're back to back as we look around catiously. He takes a quick look at Sam's bed and found it was empty.

"Where's Sam?" He asks.

"I don't know. Before i dozed off i saw him leave the room." We stopped talked after the high-pitched sound grows louder and stronger. Dean clutches his right ear, holding his gun with the other. I tried to block it out but it hurt too much. I collapsed on the floor holding my now bleeding ears. I was flollowed by Dean.

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