Chapter Five

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Eriks POV;
Her cries kept me awake all night, my light, my love, was broken, shattered like a chandelier...Raphael was going to pay for everything she has had to endure. I was up all night fastening and stitching together the finest of red silks into a fitted suit (using 2004 outfit as reference including mask ) a red cape flowed behind it and a skull mask to cover my face. I set to leave but before I left slipped the box with a dress into Collettes room before she came back from rehearsal. My plans for tonight were big, very big.
Collettes POV:
I ran back to my fitting room because I rehearsed later than everybody else, when I opened the door a beautiful gold and black box lay on the vanity. A note signed // ~ The Phantom// lay on top a rose wrapped in black ribbon. "Oh phantom your too sweet." I said walking over to the box it hadn't occurred to me I didn't have a dress till I opened the box to see a gorgeous pink lace gown with roses. A knock came from the door and I jumped. "Madame Giry, may I help you." I said opening the door. "I'm here to help you get ready, Aw i see you got his gift." She said pointing at the Rose still clutched in my hand. "Oh-oh yes! It's quite a lovely dress." I said turning and letting her in closing the door behind me. "My it is!" She said picking it up. I slipped into it and she tied it pinning down fresh roses, and tying others into my hair. "You look beautiful my child." She said rubbing my arms lovingly. "ma beauté mon ange." A whisper came from the shadows. Madame Giry smiled before pinning the black ribboned rose to the front of my corset. She helped me out to the side room while I waited for Raphael, I didn't want to dance with him but at least we were in front of others. Madame Giry could see my concern. "It's ok child, he is watching very closely tonight." She said hugging me before walking off and finding Meg. "Collette you look amazing." Rahpaels voice said coming up from behind me. "Thank you Raphael." I said with a fake smile. I turned to face him but didn't look him in the eyes. "Collette...Collette." He said forcing my face to face his. "I'm sorry Raphael my mind was wondering." I said looking him in the eyes. "Well stop that it's childish come let's dance." He said gripping my wrist and pulling me out to the ballroom floor. "Pretend your happy for once." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning me. I put on a fake smile it had been almost an hour and I was losing hope on the phantom showing up. The music was booming and people's voices were harmonizing with it. I was getting tired of waiting for the phantom and was growing restless with Raphael. "Raphael can we rest for a second." I said looking up at him. "Why?" He said annoyed looking down at me. "We've been dancing restlessly for an hour." I exclaimed. "Whatever leave." He said basically throwing me into the crowd. I found Meg and Madame Giry waiting around the stairway and I stood with them. "I think I'm going to leave." I said looking down sadly. "But Collette wait!" Meg yelled after me as I started walking away. Just then the lights went red and the music turned to a darkened tone. I whirled around walking back up to the stairs for a better view. Someone brooding in a red suit with a long red cape behind him stood at the top of the stairwell. He turned his skull mask staring into my eyes. "Phantom." I whispered to myself. "Collette." A whisper filling the room. My heart stopped and I froze I couldn't move as I watched him walk towards me down the stairs.

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