Chapter Ten

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Mon Ange...those words once set my heart aflutter, but now that heart lay stone and silent. I didn't answer. "Angel." He said placing a hand against the door. Madame Giry got up to get the door, I jumped trying to motion today stop but she kept on. The door opened, the tall brooding man stood there...he was clutching something in his hand. "Ang-Collette." He stopped himself. The words hung in the room. He looked down at the paper in his hand and back at me, tears streaked my face. "Go now and we won't tell the authorities." I let out staring into his broken eyes. He rubbed his fingers through his hair looking at the paper again. He looked at Madame Giry desperately then back at me rubbing his temple with his free hand. "Y-your right...I killed him." He said pushing himself off the door frame and walking down the hallway. My heart stopped, Madame Giry walked over to me. "Collette." Madame Giry said setting her hand on mine. "He did-." I cut her off "didn't kill him." I finished the sentence. Madame Giry shook her head agreeing. I got up bolting out the door, he wasn't in the hallway. I searched up and down the hallways and crevices calling out his name for no response. I went back to the dressing room, it didn't feel right every time I turned I could see Raphael hanging. I turned to the mirror it was open. I took advantage of this and stepped into the mirror, the only other place he could be was here. I snuck to the stairs hoping to god the gondola was still there, I didn't know another way. When I got there it was but I wasn't very good at it and was hoping my memory led me down the right path. I had to step into the murky waters walking the rest of the way, I was up to my thighs in this dirty water but it didn't matter to me I needed to see Erik. I crept upon the gate her was standing hands down on the organ, he turned shoving a candlestick to the ground and resting his shoulder on a wall. "AGH!" He called out punching the wall. "Angel..." at first I thought he was talking to me but he stopped. "Oh Angel forgive me that I can't tell you the truth, God give me strength to tell you the truth one day." He said putting his head in his hands, his bloodied knuckles showing. I swayed up to the gate and he turned hearing me in the water, I placed my hands on the gate. "Collette..." he said taking a step forward before turning back. "Mon amore!" I called out he whirled back around. "Please." I whispered, he stopped himself before going and pushing the lever. I steadied myself in the water and rushed up to him running into his arms. "I'm so sorry mon amore!" I cried into his chest. He stroked my hair pulling me in close. I laid my head against his chest his breath was fast and his heartbeat faster from exertion. "The paper..." I said looking up to meet his eyes. He rubbed his eyes in concern. "Collette-." He started. "Erik..." I said putting my hand on his chest. He let out a sigh and turned grabbing the paper, I didn't notice much but that it was signed by Raphael. I ran my finger over his signature. Erik went to cover the words. "Must you read it." He said said trying to hide the words. "Erik, I have to." I said looking up into his blue green eyes they were cold as ice and just as sharp. "I'm trying to protect you." He muttered under his breath before turning and sitting down on the piano putting his head in his hands. I slowly read over the note. //'My dear Collette forgive me for what I have done to you, but I mustn't live another second with the horrid lie I kept from you. I didn't want you to excel in opera because I didn't want you to put Carlotta out of a job, I now know your talent and how I will miss listening to you sing...but my dear I fear it is true I was unfaithful with your rival, I could never tell you to your face or bear to see how you thought of me.
Farewell ~ Raphael de Leblanc.'//
I dropped to my knees. Erik came over to me pulling me into a cradling position as I seeped into his embrace. He stroked my hair holding me close to him as I wet his shirt with my tears. "I'm so sorry Mon Ange I tried." He said scrunching my hair in his hands. I cried harder into his steady arms that held me tight. "That bastard." I whispered under my breath. I felt anger and sadness like I'd never felt it before. "Angel..." he whispered into my ear. His brute yet soft voice soothed my tears. He caressed my cheek softly barely putting any pressure. I looked up into his eyes putting my hand on his cheek. Slowly he stood me up still holding me close to his chest. "I'm-im So Sorry." I stammered he placed his finger against my mouth. "Mon Ange do not apologize." He said running his fingers through my hair. All of the crying made me droopy and I collapsed into his arms. He swung me into his arms bridal style carefully walking me over to the golden swan shaped bed. He lay me down on the velvety plush red bedding covering me in a silk blanket. He turned pulling a rope dropping a black curtain and I slowly crept into slumber.

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