Chapter 5

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It's been 3 months since Finn and I got together, and I have never been happier. I always knew that I was in love with him, but I never thought I would be with him. Rachel arrived a few weeks after Finn and I, Quinn coming with her. They're together, which I did not expect. They got their own apartment, so Finn and I live in my loft. Just me and him. I took a year off of school so Finn and I could find an actual apartment. As much as we love this one, we need something we're both comfortable in. It's not his style. I feel Finn's arms wrap around me from behind.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks. I turn around and kiss him.

"Us." I say. He gives me his signature half smile and picks me up, his hands under my thighs.

"I wanna cuddle," he says. I giggle and kiss him again.

"Well why'd you pick me up?"

"Because you're tiny and cute and I want to carry you."

"Fine. But just because I love you," I say. He kisses my cheek and lays me down on our bed.

"I still can't believe we're together," Finn says.

"Me neither." I say. He looks at his phone and I feel my heart sink. Blaine did that when he was cheating. He must feel my mood change, because he looks at me and shows me his phone.

"Kurt. You can trust me, okay? I know it's hard after what you went through, but I would never ever cheat on you," he says. I nod, reading that Rachel and Quinn were going back to Lima for a mini glee reunion.

"Oh. A glee club reunion," I say, quietly. He lays on his back and let's me sit, my thighs on either side of his waist.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to," he says. "I won't be mad."

"I want to go." I say. He looks at me, wide eyed.

"Well honey. We have to leave tonight." He says. I nod and bend down, capturing his lips with mine, letting my tongue slip through his lips. I hear him moan. I disconnect our lips and start kissing down his neck.

"Babe. We have to pack," Finn says. I smirk and lick up to his lips, feeling him harden. I get off of him and start looking for my suitcase. Finn gets up as well.

"How long are we staying?"

"I don't know. Maybe for 3 days?"

"Okay." I say. I get some clothes to put in my suitcase. I see something sticking out of the mirror I have on top of my dresser. I pull it out. It's a picture of Blaine and I. I feel my throat closing and I try to prevent myself from choking out a sob, but I fail. Finn walks over to me and bends down in front of me. I didn't realize I slid down to the ground.

"Kurt. What's wrong?"

"I found this," I say, handing him the picture. His face darkens and he hands it back to me, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"I was gonna rip it up, but that's not my place," he says. He gets up and finishes packing for the both of us. He comes over and picks me up, kissing me softly.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too." He grabs our stuff and motions for me to get up. I get up and grab his hand.



I hold Kurt's hand as we head to the train that leads to the airport. I look down at Kurt and smile to myself. The boy I love put his career on hold so he and I could find an apartment. He looks up at me and smiles back. Lookout, Lima. Furt is coming.


I feel someone shaking me awake. I open my eyes to see Kurt.

"Come on, Finn. My dad is outside waiting for us, and I haven't seen him since I ran off," Kurt says. I nod and get up, grabbing our overhead luggage. Kurt is already out of the plane and I run after him.

"Jeez, Kurt. Are you excited?"

"No. I'm more nervous and just want to get this over with," Kurt says. I nod and kiss his cheek.

"I got you. Okay?" I say. He nods. We reach the doors and we look for Burt's car. Suddenly Kurt gasps and tightens his grip on my hand. Burt pulls up and gets out, walking up to Kurt. He doesn't say anything. He just pulls Kurt into a hug.

"I'm sorry," Kurt says.

"I understand. Rachel caught me up. Except the part where you and Hudson got together," Burt says. I blush.

"Hi, Mr. Hummel." I say. He comes over and looks up at me.

"You love my son?" He asks.

"I do. I really do love Kurt."

"Take care of him, okay?" Burt said. I nodded and shook his hand. He opened the trunk, we put our luggage in, and we got in the car. Kurt was in the front. I had time to look outside. It looks the same. A boring town.

"So do you know where you'll be staying?" Burt asks me.

"Well I was gonna let Kurt decide," I say, putting my hand on Kurt's shoulder.

"Are you okay with staying with my dad?" Kurt asks.

"Of course. It's up to you, honey," I say. Kurt nods.

"We'll stay at your house, Dad," Kurt says. Burt nods and we drive until we reach his house. We get out, eat lunch, put our stuff in our room, and cuddle on the bed.

"I'm really nervous to see everyone," Kurt says. We're facing each other and caressing each other on the arm.

"I know. But you'll be okay, Kurt. I'll be by your side the whole time," I lean in, only inches away from Kurt's lips. "I love you," I say.

"I love you more, Finn," he smirks and kisses me. We hear a knock on the door and jump.

"I hate to interrupt, but Blaine is at the door, Kurt." Burt says.

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