Chapter 11

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Kurt and I walk into the choir room on the last day of our visit. We sit down and wait for everyone to get there.

"Thank you for convincing me to come," Kurt says. I look to him and smile.

"You're welcome. I hope this visit made you really, really happy," I say.

"Wait. Did you plan the engagement party and the proposal and make it look like a reunion?"

"I did." I say. Kurt looks at me and hugs me.

"Thank you. It was the greatest surprise of my life," Kurt says. I kiss his cheek.

"I would do anything for you, Kurt," I say.

"I do have something to tell you," Kurt says.

"You don't want a divorce already do you?"

"Oh god no. I do want to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

"What would you say about moving back and working at the school? In like a year or so?" I look at Kurt, a smile spreading across my face.

"I would say I will if you want me to," I say, talking his hand and kissing it. He smiles and kisses me deeply.

"Okay I get that you guys are married, but we don't need you to fornicate in the middle of the choir room," Santana says, walking in.

"Hi, Santana," Kurt says, putting his head on my shoulder.

"Hi. So what's next for Lumps The Clown and Porcelain?"

"Do you wanna tell her?" I ask. Kurt nods.

"We're thinking about moving back to Lima next year to work here," I say.

"Have you talked to Berry about this?" Santana asks.

"No. Because it's none of her business." Kurt says, standing up. Santana nods in agreement as I grab Kurt's hand. He smiles down at me and Rachel and Quinn walk in.

"Hey, guys. What are we talking about?" She asks.

"Oh. Um." Santana looks at Kurt.

"Finn and I are thinking about moving back to Lima within the next year to become employees here," Kurt says. Rachel laughs.

"That's a good one, Kurt." she says. She looks to see why no one else is laughing and stops.

"It's not a joke, Rachel," I say, standing up. Her smile falls.

"Kurt. Why would you do this? The only reason we agreed to move to New York is to try to be on Broadway together!" she says.

"Well things change, Rachel. Maybe I don't want to leave my husband alone for 6 hours a day each week because he gets worried about me. Maybe I don't want to be depended on to carry a show every night. And maybe, just maybe, I don't want to try and share the spotlight with you," Kurt says. He lets go of my hand and walks out of the room, passing Blaine, Sebastian, Puck, and Brittany.

"Well that happened," Santana says, going over to Brittany to kiss her.

"I-" Rachel says. She bursts into tears and Quinn hugs her.

"Guys. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Finn. You and Kurt have been through a lot in the past 3 months. We understand. Rachel was just really excited about living in New York with Kurt."

"I think Kurt just wants to live near his dad again. Especially since he had another heart attack," I say.

"Finn. Come quick. It's Kurt," Blaine says. I run after him and see Kurt laying on the ground, his nose bleeding. I run over to him and get down.

"Kurt. Are you okay?" I ask. He looks at me and tries to sit up.

"No, Kurt. Just lay down." Sebastian says, pushing him back down. I hold Kurt's hand.

"Karofsky," says Kurt. I look at Blaine and Sebastian and they nod sadly.

"How did you guys not hear this?"

"I don't know. We saw that Rachel was upset, so we were going to find some tissues. We noticed that the choir room was out of them. So he must have attacked Kurt pretty quickly after he left the choir room." Blaine explains. I put my head on Kurt's and kiss him gently.

"It'll be okay, baby. Okay?" I say. Kurt nods as he tries to breathe.

"He broke my arm and my ribs," he says. I lay down next to Kurt and hold him as best as I can.

"I found the little bastard," Puck says, throwing Karofsky against the locker.

"He deserved it." Karofsky says. I get up and punch Karofsky as hard as I can.

"If you ever lay a hand on my husband again, I will make sure you never graduate." I say.

"Your husband? So you're a fag too?" Karofsky says. I look back and Kurt is staring at me, begging me to deny it so I don't get hurt.

"Maybe so. Yeah I am. What are you gonna do about it?" I ask.

"I'm gonna-" I punch him in the ribs, hearing a satisfying crack, and watch him as he curls to the ground.

"Stay away from us," I say. I look over at Kurt and pick him up.

"Finn. Thank you. I love you," Kurt says, smiling at me weakly.

"I love you, too," I say, feeling a tear run down my face. I hear people running down the hallway and see Mr. Shue, Principal Sylvester, Rachel, and Quinn.

"What happened?" Sue asks.

"Karofsky attacked Kurt," I say. Sue looks down at Karofsky and sighs.

"Karofsky. My office. Now!" She yells. She helps him up and basically drags him to her office.


I sit in the hospital with Kurt. Apparently he also had some head trauma, so they have to make sure he doesn't have any brain damage.

"I'm scared, Finn," he says.

"I know, baby. I'm here." I say. I hold his hand and he puts it up to his face.

"I wanna go home."

"Me too."

"I don't want to move here anymore. I want us to stay in New York, far away from this hellhole." I notice that Kurt's  heart monitor is starting to beep faster.

"Baby you need to calm down," I say.

"I can't. I can't handle it anymore. Any time something good happens to me, something goes wrong. I can't handle it anymore, Finn!" Kurt yells. His heart monitor goes haywire and he starts to panic. I lean in and kiss him, trying to calm him down. He pushes me away and I put my hands up.

"I'm sorry, Finn" he says.

"Honey. It's okay." I say. He reaches for my hand and I grab his.

"Okay. So Kurt has a minor concussion, but he should be fine. It should be perfectly fine for him to fly home with you." The nurse says.

"Thank you  so much." I say. They give me some painkillers for him and wrap a cloth around him so his ribs could be helped.

"Let's go home," Kurt says. He takes my hand and we walk out to my car. We drive to the airport so we can finally go home.

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