Chapter 7

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I wake up the next morning. No clothes on. In bed with my lovely boyfriend. Suddenly, my heart starts to race. A reunion for the New Directions takes place today. I haven't seen anyone since graduation. I feel a panic attack coming on, but I try to hide it. Suddenly Finn's arms become tighter around me.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"I can sense it, Kurt. We've lived together for 3 months. My... my body. It knows when somethings wrong with you." I start blushing and he kisses my neck.

"As much as I would love to have sex right now, we should really go to the school," I say. Finn hums in agreement. I realize that we don't have any clothes on and I get up.

"What are you doing?" Finn asks, sitting up.

"I didn't say we couldn't shower together," I say. Finn smiles and gets up. I lead him to the bathroom and turn on the water. He hugs me from behind. Nothing feels sexual. It just feels like love.

"You're so beautiful," Finn mutters.

"So are you." I say. We climb into the shower and he doesn't let me go. I look up at him and connect our lips. He kisses me back as he puts shampoo into my hair.

"Kurt. I think today is going to be super special," Finn says. I smile and nod.

"Our debut as a couple," I say.

"Yeah. I remember in sophomore year I used to... well I used to be straight up homophobic. I think I knew how I felt but I didn't want to come to terms about it, so I hid it away. I've always liked you. When you and Blaine were dating, I did truly love Rachel. But I think I'm bisexual. Or gay. I still don't know," Finn looks down, scrunching his nose. I giggle.

"You don't need to label yourself, Finn. You're Finn and I'm Kurt. We're together." I say.

"You're very smart, Kurt," Finn says. I smile and kiss him one more time. He turns off the shower and I grab a towel. He grabs one and we get dressed up. Nothing too fancy, but not too casual either.

"You ready?" I ask.

"Yeah. I think I am," Finn says. "You?"

"'No. But let's go." I say.



We arrive at the school. I can feel that Kurt is terrified. I hold his hand.

"Hey. You'll be okay," I say. He nods and we walk in.

"Finn. I'm gonna go to the restroom okay?"

"Okay. I'll be in the choir room," I say. I kiss Kurt on the cheek and walk in.

"What's up, guys?" I shout. Everyone looks at me.

"Finn!" They yell. I'm surrounded by all of my fellow Glee club alumni.

"Finn. We haven't heard from you for months," Artie says.

"Well. I live in New York now with Kurt," I say. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Then where is Kurt?" Puck asks. I look back. He should be here by now.

"I'll be back." I say. I go to the bathroom and hear crying in the corner. I turn the corner and see Kurt. He's sitting next to the toilet.

"Hey. Kurt what's wrong?" I ask. I sit down next to him.

"I can't do it, Finn." He says. I put my arm around him.

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