Chapter 4

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I drive to Sebastian's house after the glee club meeting let's out. I worry about Kurt. And I think about what Finn said. Is he in love with Kurt? Can I win Kurt back if that is the case? I turn down his street and my heart swells. Sure I like Sebastian, but I love Kurt. But if he still has feelings for Finn like he did a few years ago, I surely can't compete. I turn into Sebastian's driveway, and I get out. I knock on the door and Sebastian answers.

"Hi," he says, his smirk already on his face.

"Hey," I say, smiling. He pulls me into a kiss and I feel nothing.

"You okay?" He asks. I shake my head and I see his expression change. He pulls me close and puts my head on his chest. I start to cry and he takes me over to his couch.

"What's wrong?"

"Kurt ran away to New York and Finn loves him," I say. I hear Sebastian's breath hitch.

"Does he love Finn?"

"I don't know. Maybe. All I know is that they're in New York together."

"Blaine. I know you think I'm into you only because you're hot as hell, but I do... I do love you. I love you a lot." Sebastian says. I look into his eyes and I feel my heart stop. Maybe I do love him.

"I love you, too," I say, kissing him. He kisses back and starts to move his kisses down my neck. I moan and rub his chest.

"Let's move this to my room," he says.



I hold Kurt as he sleeps. I can't go to sleep. I'm so happy, that I simply just want to cherish my time with Kurt. The past few years have been so weird. At one point, I did love Rachel. I truly did. Eventually, I realized that I loved Kurt. I came to terms with it a year ago, when he started to date Blaine. And now, holding him in my arms, I realize that he's my soulmate. I was meant to be with him. I don't know what my sexuality is. Am I gay? Bisexual? Straight? No. I'm definitely not straight. Maybe I'm just... maybe I'm just in love with Kurt, and Kurt only. I hear him starting to cry, and I feel him starting to thrash.

"Shhh. It's okay, I'm here. I got you, Kurt," I whisper, rubbing his back. I whisper it, constantly. Eventually he starts to calm down and I smile.


I must have fallen asleep eventually, because I wake up at around 7am, holding Kurt still. I smile and kiss his head. He must have been about to wake up, because he rubs his eyes and looks up at me.

"Good morning," he says.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Well I only had one nightmare, but you helped me through it, so I'm okay," he says. I smile and hug him tightly.

"I'm so happy that I'm here," I say.

"Me too. The past 2 days were the lowest of my life," he says.

"I should have come after you. I shouldn't have tried to hurt Blaine," I say. He shakes his head.

"No. You deserved to be at graduation."

"The only thing that was missing was you. I wanted to hug and... I wanted to hug and kiss you after we threw our hats," I say, blushing. He bites his lip and reaches to cup my face. He pulls my face down and connects our lips. My heart bursts and I put my hand on the back of his head, deepening it. He pulls back and smiles.

"Wow." I say. He chuckles and gets out of the bed.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that, Finn," he says. I blush and get up as well.

"I think I do. I realized last night, that I've always loved you. That I've always wanted to be with you. Sure, I loved Rachel, but I think... I think you're my soulmate, Kurt," I say. Kurt looks at me and smiles.

"Finn. I don't know what to say," he says.

"You don't have to say anything. You just have to let me hug you again," I say. He comes over and basically melts into my arms. I kiss him on the head.


Babe I want you to listen
I just wanna tell you my feelings
I've been emotional lately
Cause I want you to be my baby
We might be from two different worlds
And I'm a boy and not a girl
But since then you've been my world

Ever since our sophomore year
Your voice is ringing in my ear
Your beautiful laugh
Your beautiful voice
It's in my head
Drowning out the noise
And I want to tell you now
That I love you so

I thought we could never work
And the idea of it hurt.
But the way the tables turned
Yeah they proved me wrong
The beating of my heart for you
Turned the sky from black to blue
And I've had these feelings in me
Since sophomore year

We end the song, face to face. His eyes shining into mine. The love of my life staring right at me.

"Kurt. I love you."

"I love you too." I pull him in for another kiss, wrapping my arms around his waist, his around my torso. He cups my face and I feel tears from his cheeks.

"Are you okay, Kurt?"

"I wanna be yours."

"You mean?" I ask. Kurt nods.

"I'll be with you. Till the end of time," he says. I feel tears running down my face and I kiss him again, putting all my love and energy into it. He pulls me to his room and pushes me on his bed. Well more like our bed.  He takes off his shirt and pants, moving onto my pants. We are both in our boxers. He gets in the bed and straddles me, rubbing my torso.

"Kurt. Are you sure?" I ask.

"I want you," he says, his eyes dark with lust. He connects our lips, which begins our passionate morning with each other.



I look down at the beautiful boy on my chest. I finally got the man I'm in love with. I can't help but feel bad for Kurt though. Maybe he'll end up with Finn, maybe he won't. I could care less. All i know is that I finally have the guy I've always wanted to be with.

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