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So supe stands for supernatural also if you're born a supe then vampires can't drink your blood unless you were  turned (cursed, werewolf, vampire, etc.)

John's p.o.v

  I look at George in disbelief. Of course, I'm happy for him, but Ringo's human, and a supe and a human can't be together especially when it's a vampire.

I look at Paul who looks like he's thinking the same. I'm at loss for words, if Ringo was a supe, then I would be more than happy to let them be together, but he's not.

"George you know you can't be with him, it's too dangerous." Paul says, " I know, but what if... what if I turn him?" He hesitated at the last part. "George, as much as I'd love for you to be together, you can't. Eppy would be mad at you." "To hell with 'im then!" He says I can tell he's angry, I can tell because his eyes turned red.

"If he can't understand that I love a human, then I'll just suck him dry!" George will never do that, but this isn't George this is an angry vampire. "George we're just trying to look out for you." Paul says his voice shakey, I can tell he's scared. Just because George can't suck us, doesn't mean can't kill us with a neck snap. George calms down and his eyes turn back to brown, " I know I'm sorry, it's just I love him." I would love for Ringo to be a vampire so would Paul, but we can't have another accident like the other day.

Paul's p.o.v

  Geo leaves the room and I turn to John. "I wish they could get together." "I know luv, but unless he turns him it's not possible. I wish Eppy would just allow it." He sighs getting up from the bed. "I guess we have to keep an eye on George while he's with Richard." I say he nods saying, "I suppose."

George's p.o.v

  I'm so frustrated right now! I don't know what to do, either I tell Ringo and if he loves me in return I turn him, or I tell him and if he loves me and I don't turn him watch him die! I head downstairs and notice still asleep. I decided to try and see if he was dreaming of me again, but unfortunately, he started dreaming of something else.

I notice it's already 11 so I decide to wake him up. "Ringo come on luv, it's already 11." I stop shaking him when he starts to stir. He looks to see me over him, "Sorry, I wasn't comfortable ." He laughs, I know he's lying, I can tell by how his face turns pink. "That's fine. Go wash up, I'll make some tea and lunch." He nods and heads upstairs to the washroom.
I get to the kitchen and start making sandwiches and tea. I hear someone come down, so I turn expecting Ringo, instead, it's John and Paul. I frown and go back to making the food, as I hear them sitting down. I set the food on the table and they start digging in.

"You can at least wait for Ritchie." They shrug and I hear Ringo coming downstairs. "I made us some sandwiches.", he nods and sits down. After 5 minutes we're all done and decide to watch the telly.

I sit next to Ringo and John sits with Paul with his arm around his shoulder. I sit there awkward wondering if I should bring the kiss up. "Hey, Ringo can we talk." He thinks for a second then nods. "Okay well..." Before I start I notice Paul and John staring. I clear my throat and say, "Privately?" They get the message and leave.
I turn back at Ringo and say, "I'm sorry if I scared you last night. I was just really hammered and was done keeping my feeling a secret." He stares at me with a blank expression as I continue, " Basically what I'm trying to say is... I love you."

I look down at my hands in my lap, waiting for a response. He puts my hands into his and I look into his eyes. He smiles and says, "Oh Georgie, I was afraid you didn't feel the same." I look into his mind to see if he's lying. He's not. I look at him and kiss him. He kisses me back as I look at Paul and John, as they have a worried look on their faces.


Here's another one! Peace and Love-🌸

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