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I was thinking of leaving you on a cliffhanger, but I felt bad so...

****Warning, gore****


George's p.o.v

  I charge for Norman, and in the background I hear snarls and growls, and people yelling spells and curses. He summons three hell hounds and they come charging at me. Though they can't kill me they can make me loose strength by their powerful bite. One comes charging at my arm. I pin it down and bit into it's neck. I know it's just an illusion, but they're just as real as anything else. Another one comes charging at me, but I see a blast coming from my right. I see John with his wand pointed in my direction. I smile and return my attention to the last of 'em. This one was a large one, but with a bite like mine I could take it down in no time. I charge at it as it does the same. Soon enough we're both on the ground struggling, I find a place to attack, and when I do I inject the venom. After a few seconds it lies down dead. "George!?" "Ringo!" He's yelling out for me. He sounds frantic and weak at the same time.  I look at the woods where the condo is, and I see Paul and John both looking weak.
I turn my attention back to Norman with my blood red eyes, I see a black haired women Regan. She whispers something in his ear, and he smirks, "Looks like we're done here. You're little drummer boy and little girl died." I feel tears forming in my eyes and anger. "Regan you bitch!!" I pounce at her, but she just disappears, all of them gone. "Run you cowards!"

  I fall on my knees and sob. They're gone. Ritchie and Eliza gone. I sit there crying until I realize something. Wait... Ritchie was human, and Eppy said if anything happens that I can turn him! I stand up excited. But Eliza was a half human, half vampire, that means she's...dead. I hear snow crunching, as I see John and Paul walking over. Paul is licking his wounds, while John is healing himself. "What happened?" John says. "They found 'im." "What?! I put a very good spell on the house. Geo I-im sorry." He sounds remorseful. I look at him and say, "John it's not your fault. I knew they were more powerful than you." He nods and I continue, "They k-killed him and Elizabeth." By now Paul is human, "What! Shit, George what are we going to do?" I look at him and say, "Eppy said if something were to happen, that I could turn him. I may not be able to save Eliza, but there's still time for Ritchie." They both nod and John takes his wand out, "Let's go find 'em then.

  We teleport to the condo to find it trashed. A window was smashed and the kitchen looked a mess. I look everywhere, but I can't find him. We are looking outside until I here John shout, "Guys come quick! I found him." I rush over to his side unprepared for what I see. He looks worse than he did before. He is white as a ghost, but what gets my attention is the blood everywhere. I rush over to Ringo's side, and notice a big gash in his belly. They took her out of him, but where is she? I can't stand the sight, so I look away. Paul finally comes and let's out a gasp. He turns to John's shoulder, and begins cry at the sight of his dead friend while John just turns away. I can't hold it in anymore I let out a large sob. After a moment I say, "John close up the wounds, so when I turn him he doesn't see." He nods and Paul let's go to let him come. He kneels down, and Ringo's wounds are closing. After a while he looks spotless, no more blood and no more cuts. "I took his memory from what happened to Elizabeth, so he doesn't go through pain." I nod and he retreats back to Paul.

  I look at his face, and pull him to my chest. I turn his head so his neck is exposed, not noticing two small healed punctures that were once there. "I'm sorry Ritchie." I mumble before I bite. I suck for a bit then pull away, I bite my wrist and open his mouth. I move my wrist to his mouth for him to drink. His colour is returning, and I feel his chest move up and down. Paul comes up and says, "You did it, you actually did it!" He hugs me then John. I turn to Ritchie and kiss him."Geo it's time to go home." John says putting a hand on my shoulder. I nod and pick Ritchie up bridal style, as we teleport back to our flat.

  I set Ringo in our bed, stay by his side all night. I fall asleep and start dreaming, "How 'bout Emily?" "No, a little too common don't you think?" I laugh and say, "Alright. Well what do you have?" He looks down at a pad and says, "Aurora, Like the princess." "Lovely, but I don't want her pricking her finger and falling to sleep." He chuckles and looks down again, "Okay, what about Elizabeth or Eliza for short?" "Eliza, I like that." "So yes?" "Yes. We're going to have a little baby Elizabeth!" I say with a smile, as he puts his head on my chest and falls asleep.


I told you everything was fine. Peace and love-🌸

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