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John's p.o.v

"Shake it, shake it, shake it, baby now! Ah!" We finish our last song and head off stage, "Feels good to be back!" I say with a big smile, "Tell me about it!" Paul still with excitement in his voice. "Great show boys! Now hurry and change, we are going to a party tonight. Now come on, unless you want to be tackled by fans." He says before leaving the room. "It's amazing how he still trust us with drinks." George says taking off his suit. "Please, if he were to ban liquor at the studio, John would still find a way to sneak it in." Paul says finding his best suit to wear. "Ready boys?" Eppy says, peaking his head around the door as we hear girls screaming. We all nod and rush out.

We barely make it to the car with our hair still in tact, "I hate to say it, but I somehow miss that." George say with a laugh. Brian is in the front while we are squished in the back. I'm sitting next to Paul and George is sitting next to Ringo, I take this as an advantage to play a game. I put my hand on Paul's thigh, he let's out a gasp, "John!" He tries to move my hand away, but I don't bulge instead I keep getting closer and closer to his member. I smirk as he glares at me, when he finally gets I won't move he just let's it be. Now that I have what I want, I inch closer and closer. My pinkie slides across his crotch and he yells, "John Winston Lennon! If you don't stop I'll-" he's cut off when we feel the car stop. Eppy opens the door, "c'mon boys." He says and we head out.

The blinding lights off cameras flash and fans are asking for autographs. After we sign a few we head inside, there is a big staircase, a bar, loud music, and so many people. "Remember, do not drink a lot, and try and be civilized." Brian says, mainly to me and leaves. We all look at each other and head for the bar. I order a pint while the rest get a coke, "John, don't drink so much today." Paul says. I nod, but I can't keep a promise. He looks unconvinced, but turns with Geo and Ringo to go dancing.

It's only been about 10 minutes and this is my 5th drink. I lose the lads in a crowd full of people. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn. There is a brunette girl with long curly hair. I feel like I have seen her before, but I really don't know. The drinks are getting to my mind, "Hello handsome." She says, she was a sight. Her waist is small and her lips are blood red. It feels as though I'm under a spell because, I would never cheat on Paul "What is a man like you, doing all alone?" She ask. She bites her lip and I slur, "Waiting for someone like you." I put on a goofy grin forgetting I have a boyfriend. "Well how about you buy me a drink and we can leave." She started fidgeting with my tie, I giggle and order her a drink.

"So, care for another round?" She suggests. Before I can say anything, she takes out my wallet. "I'm sorry, I never caught your name." She says ordering drinks, "My name is.. John. John Lennon. And you?" "Regan." She says coming closer. Where have I heard that name before? It sounds familiar. She starts walking up my chest with her fingers and grabs me by the tie. I want to protest, but before I can she comes closer and closer, and with a smirk she kisses me on the lips.


Peace and love-🌸

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