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Alex's pov
"Just so you know I invited John to sit with us at lunch today." I tell my friends as we walk to class together. "He said yes." My friends looked like they were going to protest but I glared at them and they didn't say anything.

-time skip-

I walk into the lunch room and look to my regular table where my friends. Then I see John sitting by himself at the table he was at yesterday. I walk over to him and sit next to him. "What're you doing over here? You said you were gonna sit with me today?"

"I was hoping you forgot." He said looking at me with a shy smile.

"Forget about you? Never." I say smirking at him and he blushes. "Come on. Up. You're going to sit with us today." I grab his hand and pull him up. We walk over to the table and sit down.

"Hi! I'm Peggy." Peggy announces to John as we sit down.

"John.." He mumbles. Everyone else introduces themselves, less than enthusiastic. They better be nice to him.

"So when'd you move here?" Peggy asks. At least she's trying to be friends with him.

"Like a week ago." John shrugs.

"Where from?"

"South Carolina."

"That's cool. Explains the accent. Why'd you move?"

"My dad is a lawyer and got offered a better job." John says. I notice he's bouncing his leg a lot. He seems anxious. "I know Alex kinda forced you to sit with me today. No one usually wants to sit with me, Alex being the exception. I don't have to sit with you tomorrow if you want. But just so you know, I'm not crazy. I have Tourette's Syndrome and can't control what I do." John said looking at my friends. They looked kinda shocked he said it so bluntly.

"We don't mind you sitting here. You can sit with us whenever you want." Eliza says smiling.

"Yeah." Laf agrees. "And um.. sorry for acting like this. But you are pretty nice so we don't mind." John smiled and they actually started acting nice towards him. Which is good but he still seemed anxious.

"Are you ok? You seem anxious." I whispered to him, while we were watching Hercules and Lafayette chug water bottles to see who finishes first.

"I'm fine." He tells me, not looking quite ok. I just take his word and nod.

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