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John's pov
I walk into school with Martha next to me; she's talking about her friends I think. I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. Alex then comes up next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Hey, love." Martha looks at me with a 'we'll talk about this later' look.

"I'll see you later, John. I have to get to class." She says walking away from us.

"Your sister?" Alex asks.

I nod, "Yeah. My oldest sibling, Martha."

"It's 10 days until Halloween." Alex tells me.

"Maybe that's why it's getting colder." I say jokingly. "Eee!" I squeak and slap Alex on his side. He pulled away.

"You got a strong hit." He laughs.

"I'm so so sorry! I-" I start rambling but be cuts me off.

"I'm fine, John. It didn't hurt... that much. But I'm ok, love."I sigh and nod.

"So why we're you informing me about Halloween?" I ask instead of apologizing again.

"Because." He puts his arm around my should again. "My friend Aaron is throwing a Halloween party on Halloween and I was wondering if you wanted to come with."

"I don't know, Alex.." I say looking up at him. "Parties aren't really my thing."

"It'll be fun. I'll stay with you the whole time."

"You won't have fun if you're just babysitting me." I tell him. I jerk my head and squeak.

"Of course I will. I'll be hanging out with you." He says.

"I'll think about it." I say when we reach my class. I didn't even realize he was walking me here. "I'll see you at lunch, Alex." I head into class leaving Alex by himself.

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