19:Saying Sorry

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Alex's pov
We got out of the car and walked into Aaron's house which had blaring music and kids drinking everywhere. Aaron walked over with his girlfriend, him dressed as a robber and Theodosia as Alice from Wonderland. "Hey guys! Drinks are in the kitchen, pool in the back, have fun I guess." He greets before looking at Peggy, "Maria just got here, she's in the kitchen. Don't be a stalker and actually talk to her."

"You're the best Aaron! Love you." She blows a kiss to him as she walks towards the kitchen. Aaron rolls his eyes.

"I better go make sure she doesn't do anything, she'll regret." Angelica says, walking off after her. Lafayette and Hercules pulled Eliza away, mumbling something about beer pong.

"How'd you get the house to yourself?" I asked Aaron.

"My uncle is outta town for the week, which is great. So I thought why not throw a party?" Aaron smirked.

"Well... nice party. John and I are going to get drinks." I say, pulling John with me to the kitchen. I looked over at John and he was doing the cute bounce thing he does when happy, flapping his arms. He looked adorable. I love seeing him happy.

"I told you, it'd be worth it. You seem happy." John nodded with a squeak. I'm guessing it's the music. He loves music and it actually helps him with his tics. I grabbed cups and poured me and John a drink. He took it happily, and started drinking it.

"Thanks for bringing me, Alex. I really appreciate it."

"No problem, love. Just glad you're happy." John blushed and smiled. Then Jefferson walked over with that stupid ass smirk he always has on and a Freddy Kruger costume on. "What do you want Jefferson?!" I snap.

"Woah..chill Alex. I came to apologize to your boyfriend." He puts his hands up. John looks confused, hell, I am too.

"Why would you do that?" I ask.

"Because... I'm sorry... And Jemmy convinced me to. Told me but shouldn't bully people who can't control who they are. Or bully at all, I guess. " He shrugs. "So I'm sorry, John, for being an ass."

"Ok...I forgive you." John says slowly.

"Hmm where is James anyway?" I ask.

"At home. I'm about to leave and go watch scary movies with him. I just came to say hi and whatnot." He replies. I nod and he starts to walk off again. " Bye Hamilton, Hamilton's boy toy. See you guys at school, I guess."

"Wow--Eeee!--I didn't expect that from him. Beep beep!" John says, looking at me.

"Yeah, neither did I."

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