24:Francis Kinloch

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3rd person pov
John groans as he wakes up from his nap(from crying himself to sleep), being waken up by his phone ringer. He looks at the caller id; it's Alex and he want to face time. John hurriedly answers the phone and is greeted with Alex's smiling face.

"Hey love!.. Are you ok? You seem down?" Alex asks, his smile quickly turning until a frown.

"Uh.. Yeah. I'm--Eee!--fine." He nods.

"You sure?" Alex asks unsure.

"Yeah. I'm fine, Alex." John slap his leg, hard.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, kinda hurt though." John jerks his head. "Beep beep!"

"So, you wanna come get ice cream with me?" Alex asks. John frowns.

"I wish I could but--Eee!--I'm grounded."

"Grounded? Was it because of yesterday?"

"Partly. Mostly because I didn't call my parents about not coming home. Ducks don't like candy!"

"Sorry. I didn't think of that. You were already falling asleep and I thought you would've been in trouble coming home drunk."

"No, it's ok. I would have been grounded for life if I came home that drunk." John shrugs. "What even happened last night? I don't really remember anything except arriving..."

"Umm we drank and talked, saying hi to people from school but then I lost you when I went to the bathroom. You were already really tipsy when I left you so I guess you got more. The next thing I know was that I found you on Francis Kinloch's lap, making out with him."

"Francis Kinloch... I think he's in my Chemistry class. He's cute." Alex frowns. "What?"

"Nothing... I just hear he plays with guy's hearts. So be careful if you're gonna talk to him or whatever."

"I will. You don't have to worry Alex." John says with a shrug. He couldn't wait until it was Monday now. He never had anyone like like him. He didn't even had friends so having someone that might be interested in him romantically was exciting especially when he thought Alex only saw him as a friend. He knew he had a chance where Francis didn't like him even and just was drunk but that didn't make him any less happy as he talked to Alex. As for Alex he put on a fake smile for his friend and crush.

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